In this chapter issues related to strategic competence, are reviewed. The chapter describes the assumptions of current communicative language teaching:communicative competence,communication, classroom communication and genuine communication, teaching communicative English,communicative courses, speech acts,details of strategic competence, development of strategic competence,types of strategic competence,how to teach strategic competence,strategic competence in the foreign language classroom,the importance of teaching strategic competence in the EFL communicative lessons, basic activities on strategic competence training,factors affecting the choice of communication strategies for strategic competence,procedures for teaching …show more content…
Strategic Competence
Dornyei and Thurrell (1990) and Hung (2010) stated that strategic competence relates to the learners’ ability to master verbal and non-verbal communication strategies. Canale explains that such strategies may be needed for two main reasons: “to compensate for breakdowns in communication due to limiting conditions in actual communication or to insufficient competence in one or more of the other areas of communicative competence, and to enhance the effectiveness of communication” (Canale, 1983:10).
It also helps the learner to continue conversation flow. Learners in beginning stages may find that strategic competence can help them communicate even with their limited vocabulary. In this study the researcher mainly focused on students and teachers practice of strategic competence on different communicative courses.
2.1.2. Communication
Communication has certain features that have been mentioned in the works of Breen and Candlin (1980), Morrow (1977), Widdowson (1978) and Harmer (1982). Canale and Swain (1980) summarizes the characteristics of communication that represent their model of communication …show more content…
Think of what you are going to say.
2. Think about the structures you are using but do not let them interfere with what you want to say.
3. Do not be afraid to make mistakes (mistakes are normal as you are learning a language).
4. When you are not understood, use repetition, gestures, synonyms, definitions, acting out, whatever comes naturally as you begin to feel more proficient in the language.
In the communicative model of language teaching, instructors are expected to help their students develop knowledge by providing authentic practice that prepares students for real-life communication situations. They help their students to develop the ability to produce grammatically correct, logically connected sentences that are appropriate to specific contexts, and to do so using acceptable (that is, comprehensible) pronunciation. How the instructor teaches strategic competence in communicative English skill in WSU, DELL was also the main concern of this study. Communicative