However, if the wages become higher and enough for someone to survive off of, the employees tend to stay in that job longer. Staying in a job longer would lead to employees having more experience. Having more skilled workers would cause more firms to be more willing to expand their business. Furthermore, “A higher minimum wage also pays dividends to taxpayers by reducing demand for costly anti-poverty programs (Hanauer, 2016).” There are many anti-poverty programs that provide aid to workers. With this wage increase these programs would be less needed. The money the taxpayer pay could go to other places that need aid. For example, college might be able to be less of an expense than what it is. Now, this will cause more people to go to school and make their own firm that hires more
However, if the wages become higher and enough for someone to survive off of, the employees tend to stay in that job longer. Staying in a job longer would lead to employees having more experience. Having more skilled workers would cause more firms to be more willing to expand their business. Furthermore, “A higher minimum wage also pays dividends to taxpayers by reducing demand for costly anti-poverty programs (Hanauer, 2016).” There are many anti-poverty programs that provide aid to workers. With this wage increase these programs would be less needed. The money the taxpayer pay could go to other places that need aid. For example, college might be able to be less of an expense than what it is. Now, this will cause more people to go to school and make their own firm that hires more