Benefits Of Raising The Federal Minimum Wage

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An increase in the Federal Minimum Wage may not be worth the potential benefits that over 52% of Americans think. Over 2.6 million workers in 2015 earned the federal minimum wage. Small businesses would not be able to survive a rise in the minimum wage. Businesses would also have to hire more skilled laborers; which would increase competition among the workforce. The federal minimum wage should not be increased because it will cripple small businesses and will make competition rise among workers.
Raising the federal minimum wage would most certainly hurt small businesses. In a 2013 Gallup poll; conducted by small businesses owners, they said that a raise in the federal minimum wage would “hurt most small business owners” (“Should The Federal”).
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“In 2015, only 1.6 percent of American workers earned the minimum wage, and 45 percent of them were under the age of 25.” (“Should We Raise”). A raise in the minimum wage would destroy future opportunities for young teenagers. “Has a devastating impact on teenagers because firms will not pay young workers with no skills or experience minimum wage, let alone a higher wage”(“Should the Federal”). Owners are not going to want to pay teenagers with little to no job experience a higher wage because they are are not skilled enough for the company’s job to be making a higher wage. “Those experiencing unemployment at an early age have years of lower earnings and an increased likelihood of unemployment ahead of them” (“Should the Federal”). When teenagers are not getting these minimum wage jobs that are now be taken by experienced workers; they are at a high risk of earning low wages and being unemployed due to the need of more experienced workers in the job market. The workforce will see an increase in the need for more trained laborers to earn the higher wage the business is paying them and that directly hurts the teenagers that these jobs were meant for in the first place.
Over half of the American population believes that raising the minimum wage would be a good thing. Those people could argue that experts say that increasing the federal minimum wage will reduce poverty and take about a million people out of welfare rolls. The weakness to that statement is that in actuality, businesses will have to hire less which will cost over a half-million jobs which will in time create more poverty due to the immense job

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