Second, The Intolerable acts increased the power of the government, which cause political freedom to be taken away from the colonist. Finally, The stamp act had required that all colonist buy special tax stamps for legal documents, …show more content…
First The government taxed the colonist on different british goods, which lead them to pay more. Second, The port of Boston closed causing prices to increase because they had less of the product. Last In 1764 when parliament passed The sugar act , they imported tax on many products such as sugar, molasses and other british goods, which as a result also made the colonist pay more out of pocket. This shows how The sugar act, port of boston and taxes affected the economic well being of the colonist.
More importantly than hurting their economic well being, The king hurt the safety of the colonist, from the boston massacre, French and Indian war and Lexington and concord.
First the british soldiers injured 6 people and killed 5 , which shows how they put the people in danger. Second, the British invaded Lexington and concord and attacked the minute men which started the Battles at Lexington and concord. Finally, the british attacked Burke Bill and were fighting normal citizens, when were they a trained army. Those are some ways that the king and british hurt the safety of the