Like others, I had a complete mock up of what I thought a tattoo parlor would be envisioned in my mind. Provocative art work would cover every inch of the walls, floors concealed with dirt, and unsanitary couches as well as chipped paint that looked like it had been there since the dawn of time. I was reluctant, to say the least, that I could be wrong about this stereotype as well as the stereotypes that follow the men and women that work in tattoo shops. Luckily for me, Shenanigans Tattoo was something out of the ordinary. It exhibited all the qualities of a tattoo parlor but took on a whole new light that made the shop shine. One word came to mind when I visited Shenanigans: refreshing; …show more content…
It seems almost as though in the last couple of years, it has skyrocketed into normality around the world, especially in America. There is evidence of tattooing from centuries ago, specifically more than 5,000 years ago. In 1991, a frozen man was recovered in the Alps that would change history. Ötzi the Iceman is “the most famous tattooed ancient man” in history (Lobell and Powell 1). They discovered that Ötzi’s body contained over fifty tattoos that covered his skin, becoming one of the best preserved human remains found with evidence of tattoo art. In addition to Ötzi, tattoos were part of many different traditions stemming from Russia to Egypt, to Japan and India; they were everywhere. In 1796, Captain Cook founded the verb “tattoo” which was the spark plug that ignited the industry into the world. By the 1800s, tattoos finally made headwind into America with the help of Irish immigrant Samuel O’Reilly. He had already been in accordance with tattoos when he modified Thomas Edison’s electric pen “in 1891, making it the world’s first electric tattoo machine… O’Reilly’s invention gave birth to a whole new industry—electric tattooing” (Brunson 1). Although the startup of tattoo parlors and electric tattooing in America was born so early, it was still shameful to the rest of society. Along side the shame, there were definite stereotypes that came along with having ink inscribed onto your skin, even I …show more content…
These visions were old worn couches with tears and rips all over them. They would be ratted, smelly, disgusting and worst of all: plaid. In Shenanigans, I was proven so wrong and thank the Lord for that. The furniture stood for itself with black leather couches, and some worn stools that looked in good condition, all of it seemed relatively clean which eased my mind. A man was at the front desk sketching something very intently as I walked up to him timidly. I was immediately struck by his arms which were covered in tattoos. These tattoos were beautiful and very well done, I could not stop