Shaped Present-Day Romantic Interaction In Aziz Ansari's Modern Romance

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In his novel, Modern Romance, author Aziz Ansari discusses different aspects that have shaped present-day romantic interactions. Almost all changes in the way people date are because of technological advances and evolving social customs. The way people romantically connected in the past decade has drastically changed, going from phone calls and in-person meet-ups to text messages and dating websites. With these new means of communication come new problems, such as the deciphering the meaning of an emoji or determining how long to wait before texting someone back without seeming too eager. Ansari aims to educate the reader on how relationships have morphed and will continue to do so with the passage of time. Because new forms of social media are being developed every day, the way people date is too. For example, before computers became common, many people would place dating advertisements in newspapers describing what they were looking for. Today, dating sites have made it easy to speak to other singles with similar interests. He also hopes to share small experiences where relationships did not work out and why. This is meant to help the reader relate to the book, giving it a more personal feel. Another thing that makes the book relatable is that it is funny, making it …show more content…
There are various things that go into finding a soulmate so it is okay to take your time looking for someone without feeling pressured into a relationship just because everyone else is in one. There is nothing embarrassing about joining dating sites, so there is no reason to feel bad about doing it. In the end, every person has to do what makes them happy. It affects me personally because it is interesting to hear how lucky I am to be able to have so much freedom when choosing a partner, unlike in Qatar, where many women have to sneak around in order to be able to meet

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