Segregation In Maria Flemming's A Tale Of Two Schools

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Imagine being separated from others because of your race. Being left out because your black and too dark. How would you feel? This situation is called segregation which is the action or state of setting someone or something apart from other people or things or being set apart. People are still trying to solve the effects that segregation did to others such as people of color. Though most schools became diverse and mixed races everywhere, many people are still said to be emotionally segregated even if segregation ended. This means that children around the world are bullied and left out based on how others judge them. This is why people are still trying to get rid of the scar the white people left on the people of color. Rainier Scholars exists …show more content…
In “A tale of two schools” by Maria Flemming, it talks about how a family named the Mendezes tried to apply to a neighborhood school. “An administrator looked the five children over. Alice and Virginia could stay, he said. But their dark-skinned cousins would have to register at the Hoover school, the town’s “mexican school” located a few blocks away”. In this case the dark-skinned children were forced to go to the mexican school which would cause the family transportation issues because it’s farther away. In these kinds of situations, the dark colored families had to struggle more than light skinned families who were welcomed everywhere. Having to struggle as a family would “put down” the kids because they would wonder why their families specifically had to struggle more than other families. With low self-esteem this would lead to other issues such as low graduation rates for people of color and less diversity in careers because student won’t want to go to school with fear that they’d be taunted. Students of color were clearly forced to struggle with issues they wouldn’t have to worry about if they were white. When the quote said “ Alice and Virginia could stay, he said”, this meant that because they were light skinned they were more welcomed into a predominantly white successful

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