Why was Scrooge such a greedy dirtbag? Why did he hate the most festive time of the year? Scrooge always hated christmas and nobody ever knew why. Scrooge was a very evil person with the sin of greed by his side, but one day Scrooge changed. Everybody was shocked on christmas day seeing him change rapidly under twelve hours (How can he do that!). All of his change started off with these three factors. Jacob Marley, the spirits, and the Cratchit family made Scrooge change substantially. With all of these factors combined, they made Scrooge transform within a single day making him a better man.
To start this essay off, Jacob Marley was the first thing that set this spontaneous change. The first thing he did was scaring Scrooge and warning him that if he does not change his ways he will suffer the same way as Marley did. For instance, Marley shows the suffering of his chains and wants him to change. Another thing he did for Scrooge was he showed him what the chains meant. He said the chains symbolized the sins he had done while living. After showing him the consequences, he warns Scrooge once more saying he will be …show more content…
First, the christmas Spirit of the Past assisted this transformation by making him relive the Past. An example of that would be when the spirit showed the mistakes he made in life, such as him starting to become greedy and forgetting about his loved ones. Secondly, the Spirit of the Present showed him the suffering caused everyone in the Present. He showed the pain of the poor and his hard worker, Bob Cratchit and his family trying to be thankful that christmas eve. Finally, the spirit of Yet to Come did the finalizing touch on Scrooge by showing him the consequences if he did not change. These events of death finally made Scrooge switch into a better man. To summarize, the events of the spirits made Scrooge think about something other than