The second ghost had two children under his robe; Ignorance and Want. ‘‘ ‘…Beware them both, and all their degree, but most of all beware this boy, for on his brow I see that written which is Doom, unless the writing be erased.’ ’’ (Page: 94). The spirit also said that these children were the kids of Man. Meaning to represent Man as Ignorance and Want. In this context and in reference to the Bible they both mean ‘‘Man’’ as both women and men. These Children were to represent the humanities focus, which leads to ‘‘Doom’’ unless caught before it gets too late and changed. The last steps to Scrooges redemption was when the Ghost of Christmas yet to come arrived. The Ghost of Christmas yet to come showed Scrooge some life worth changing concerns in his future life. One of the things Scrooge found out was that Tiny Tim was not going to survive. This showed some of Scrooges soft feelings, but the thing that really hit home with Scrooge was seeing his own
The second ghost had two children under his robe; Ignorance and Want. ‘‘ ‘…Beware them both, and all their degree, but most of all beware this boy, for on his brow I see that written which is Doom, unless the writing be erased.’ ’’ (Page: 94). The spirit also said that these children were the kids of Man. Meaning to represent Man as Ignorance and Want. In this context and in reference to the Bible they both mean ‘‘Man’’ as both women and men. These Children were to represent the humanities focus, which leads to ‘‘Doom’’ unless caught before it gets too late and changed. The last steps to Scrooges redemption was when the Ghost of Christmas yet to come arrived. The Ghost of Christmas yet to come showed Scrooge some life worth changing concerns in his future life. One of the things Scrooge found out was that Tiny Tim was not going to survive. This showed some of Scrooges soft feelings, but the thing that really hit home with Scrooge was seeing his own