Theme Of Redemption In A Christmas Carol

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In the novel A Christmas Carol, written by Charles Dickens, there are many ways in which Ebenezer Scrooge is redeemed by Jacob Marley’s ghost and the three Christmas Spirits. The novel’s setting starts in London where there are serious world problems lurking. Dickens, throughout the novel, does not stray far from showing the importance of maintaining good humanity in one’s lifetime. Dickens depicts this through the main character, Scrooge, showing his redemption from the beginning and end of the novel. This theme reinforces the social values that humans should all follow and accept. The importance of conserving generosity, kindness, and consideration are all forced through Marley’s ghost and the Spirits of Christmas. Dickens strongly wanted to see a change in Victorian London, but also wanted to see humans change within their spirits. In the beginning of the novel, the readers are introduced to Ebenezer Scrooge who is depicted as a character in which does not interact with society. Scrooge is also shown as one who cares deeply for his income and money-making business. Dickens uses Scrooge as a …show more content…
Scrooge is taught the consequences of being a mean-spirited person by the ghost of his dead co-worker, the ghost of Jacob Marley. The Ghost of Christmas Past teaches Scrooge that in order to interact and be a larger part of society, he needs to open his closed heart. The Ghost of Christmas Present teaches Scrooge that being a wealthy human being does not guaranty long term happiness. Finally, The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come shows Scrooge that events that will occur if he does not change his way of life. From the beginning and to the end of the novel, Scrooge learns a lot and redeems himself. Scrooge has learned his lesson and will live life will his heart of his sleeve, and escape having a heavy

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