A century is a long time, a whole human lifetime, so much can happen in a hundred years. In one hundred years about ninety-nine percent of the people on earth will be dead because less than one percent of people live to be one hundred. In a century there will be a whole new set of people on the planet from right now. From the 20th to 21st century think about how much has changed. How much is different? Think of how many people lived and died through that time, and the problems they faced. Racism has been a problem all throughout history even today America faces problems with racism. The Scottsboro Boys, Tom Robinson, Emmett Till, and Michael Brown are all victims in cases where their skin color worked against them they …show more content…
Her father had supposedly walked in right after-the-fact and found Mayella crying and hurt on the floor. Robinson claims this did not happen he says to have come to Mayella when she asks for his assistance inside the house and when he did she tried kissing him. Miss Ewell claims something different happened though, she says she had never even asked him to come past the gate and that he followed her inside and came up behind her and beat her and raped her. She says this to cover up the embarrassing act she had committed and shamed her father with. The story is very twisted because the readers knows what actually happens which is what Tom describes. After Tom runs away from Mayella Mr. Ewell, Mayella’s father, beats her because he knows she was trying to kiss Tom and he is disgusted by this. Tom was always happy to help Mayella but the jury did not know Tom personally, he was a black man in a very racist town trying to defend himself against the blame of rape. The jury was not likely to believe that a white woman would go after a black man in this way even though she did. A white woman’s word is again placed over a man’s life and the jury finds Tom guilty, he is sent to prison. As Tom tries to escape he is shot seventeen times in the back which is an unspeakable death for someone who is innocent being accused of a crime. His death is not honored as it should be, because of his race and the time that he lived