The Loss Of Innocence In To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

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In the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee exploits the toxic nature of the South, the early 20th century. The destruction of innocence is evidently shown throughout the rampant bigotry, through the explicit phrase of ‘…it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.’ Hence, To Kill a Mockingbird is to kill innocence. In the tale, from the very beginning, a threat that is based on generational racism is posed to destroy a number of innocents. Ultimately, the ‘Mockingbird’ is killed in ways that are worse than death and by the end results in the loss of innocence. Tom Robinson can be identified as one of these mockingbirds, whose purity is destroyed in the ill-diseased town of Maycomb. Next, Boo Radley is another innocent soul who suffers being an outcast …show more content…
His inner-goodness is taken advantaged of by the troublesome Mayella and her abusive father, Bob Ewell, despite Tom actually serving their family. Though Mayella ‘did something in this society that is unspeakable,’ and took away the innocence of Tom, his wings were shattered long ago in the text, ever since he was born in the South with black skin. Hence, the verdict is guilty for the ‘mockingbird’, even in "the one place where a man ought to get a square deal.’ Subsequently, he’s led to to being shot, to which Mr Underwood describes as the ‘senseless slaughter of songbirds.’ Throughout the novel, Tom went through doom and didn’t come back but at no point deserved to go there. ‘Shoot all the bluejays you want…but it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.’ And so the idea of innocence here is killed both literally and figuratively during the impact of the …show more content…
Its message is all comes from the message title alone. To Kill a Mockingbird is not literally about the ways to kill a mockingbird although but explores the the idea of how the ‘mockingbirds’ are essentially taken apart and lost. The wickedness of the townspeople and parochial views from the area are seen to be clearly beyond repair. Their indecency of destroying people’s virtue is confronting and worse than can be imagined. Throughout the novel, Tom Robinson is closely linked to that of a mockingbird and is pays ones one of the highest prices in Maycomb society. Boo Radley is another good character, who’s destroyed as well as the children and how their childhood innocence is shot at. The severe loss of innocence in the novel, can be seen through several characters and the major experiences that they encounter. It’s vital to the dark but truthful narrative that Lee successfully attempts to

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