School Culture

Superior Essays
There is not a clear definition of school culture in the field of education because it was derived from the corporate workplace to provide direction for a more efficient and stable learning environment (Stolp, 1994). Deal and Peterson (1999) acknowledged that even though culture can be widely defined with no concrete meaning, universally none is accepted. Educators can implement and create instructional strategies to focus on school culture and restructure it if necessary. When making decisions as a principal, one must first think about the outcome in which it will have and what the decision was based on. Just like classroom teachers, principals must have a leadership style in which differentiation is utilized. This suggests that if a …show more content…
Hoyle (2006) further implied, that until more research takes place on this matter, schools will continue to be a patchwork of authoritarian, participative, transactional, and transformational leadership styles. It is the duty of a principal to strengthen the culture of a school. They have the authority as leaders to brand the ethics for a flourishing school. The principal who is able to adapt a vision to new challenges will be more successful in building strong school cultures (Stolp, 1994). Leaders must remember that the vision of the school is shared by all and should not be just their own. Involving everyone, not abusing their power through manipulation, and having positive reinforcement will develop the school’s culture in a positive manner with a principal’s authority being viewed in a better …show more content…
According to Bass (1985), this model is explained as a lack of leadership within an organization. Principals who chose this approach do not like challenges, are not decision makers, are absent when needed, and avoid forming solutions to a problem. Laissez-faire leadership was found to be the least effective (Bass & Avolio, 1996), and is marked by a general failure to take responsibility for managing (Eagly, Johannesen-Schmidt, & van Engen, 2003). There will never be one universal leadership due to everyone being different.
Good leadership fosters change that is both transformative and sustainable. It can be concerned with moral or organizational matters. It can define the college’s role in the world beyond its walls, or it can determine their internal dynamics of the institution. Most importantly, it requires a worthy goal-vision, if you will, but it also requires persistence. (Eckman, 2003,

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