Because of the divorce, I got to spend an ample amount of time with my dad and my brothers little family. I favor my dad in so many ways. His witty sarcasm has rubbed off on me. Some people find it to be annoying, but we find it funny. Sarcasm is huge part in how we deal with things. Make a joke about it, throw it to the side, and move on. It’s a great way to look at all the bad things in life. I try to always find the good in every situation. However, my sarcasm usually comes off as pessimism. That’s just my odd sense of …show more content…
July of this year, my mom was diagnosed with stage two breast cancer. This event showed me how much I truly cared for her, even though I hadn’t cared in about 5 years. The news devastated me, and I probably cried for two days. After a while, I sucked it up, and made my joke about it and put it to the side to come to realization with the diagnosis. This is how I dealt with it, I laughed it off. I know that sounds terrible, but it’s how I deal with bad news. After I came to the realization, I became a rock for my mom. I went to all of her doctors’ appointments with her. I stayed every night with her in the hospital after her surgery, and then drove to school the next morning. Then I would drive back down after school, and repeat. This was a weird time for me because I had basically paused my emotions for my mom since I was eleven until