Roosevelt's Persuasion Analysis

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FDR brought the country hope, in a time when rarely anyone had any. 13 to 15 million Americans were left without the basic needs they required due to the massive layoffs of the Depression. Unsure of the future, American’s felt comfort in the leadership of FDR. A sense of hope and security grew within the minds of the American people during his presidency. Roosevelt’s policies and overall charisma allowed the country to trust his leadership and gain hope for the future of the nation. Americans not only thought of Roosevelt as the lone man that would pull the country out of the Depression, but as someone they could write to and trust with their concerns. American citizens finally began to let in someone besides himself to get support from. With this trust, Roosevelt was able …show more content…
American’s felt as though they had a personal connection to Roosevelt, they worshiped him and only thought the highest of him, and because of this he was able to gain a level of trust that no other President had ever had before. To most Americans he was a hero, the sole person who lifted the country out of the Depression. In the eyes of one American, Mrs. L.K.S., “‘Saint Roosevelt!’... we all feel if there ever was a saint. He is the one. As long as Pres. Roosevelt will be our leader under Jesus Christ we feel no fear… [we] acclaimed our President as a Saint and rightly so” (qtd. in McElvaine 160). This directly shows how high people placed Roosevelt and the sense that he was their last chance for recovery. Many Americans felt that his charisma gave off a sense of hope and optimism for the future, and because of that they were able to trust in his plans and policies. Thousands of Americans tuned into his beloved Fireside Chats and felt as though they developed a special bond with the president. Not only did Roosevelt give American’s constant reassurance in his plans for the

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