There weren’t enough guns for everybody to have one so they would fight with rocks and make homemade bombs. They were expecting help from both Russia that was across the river, from the United States and Britton by form of airdrops. Neither America, Britten nor Russia helped out like the way Poland was expecting them to help; the United States and Great Britten only sent one small airdrop during the entire battle. The reason they didn’t send any airdrops is because Stalin denied the planes access to land in Russia to refuel. There was no way the planes would be able to make the entire trip without stopping. President Roosevelt and Churchill sent multiple letters to Stalin requesting access to land in Russia to refuel, every time they sent a letter they were denied. After sending multiple letters they feared they would only anger Stalin if they kept asking but they sent one final letter and were granted access to land and refuel after one airdrop. The reason the Underground Army began attacking concentration camps and blowing up tanks was in hope they could defend themselves against Germany; and to help take back their town so Russia wouldn’t be able to liberate Warsaw. Russia was closing in on Warsaw so the Underground Army began to fight hoping they could hold off the Germans unlit help arrived. Russia never came to help they stopped across the river and would not come any …show more content…
During the Katyn massacre Stalin ordered for the execution of 22,000 politically important people to Poland. The Red Army rounded up police officers, military officials, fire fighters, doctors and other intelligent people. They took them to the Katyn forest in Russia and shot them all in the head then put the bodies in a ditch. Nazi Germany found the graves of the bodies and Stalin quickly turned the blame and said it was the Germans who killed them all. Research proved there was no possible way the Germans could have committed the crime based upon their position, where they were located during the war and how long the bodies have been dead