The author starts off with another form of strategies that helps with his purpose of writing the article, Rushkoff uses pathos in this quote, “Customers expect overnight deliveries, instant customer service, and real time inventory adjustments to their every whim.” (p.115). In the article, Rushkoff emphasizes that time is not the same anymore, it is breakneck speed now. He uses that emotional connections where spoiled or impatient customers will not tolerate anything less that they were promised. Which that leads to another point of “There is no such thing as a test or a waiting period.…
To demonstrate, critic David Vanderwerken acknowledges that the most powerful of these inversions is the reversal of the relationship between father and son. According to Vanderwerken, the father will help the son make the transition from “dependence to independence” but in Night the “...roles are completely reversed; the son becomes the parent” (Vanderwerken 64). This transposal becomes extremely apparent upon Wiesel and his father’s arrival at Buchenwald. It is there that his father, already frail, completely breaks down; he speaks feverishly of things that never happened and relies more and more heavily on his son as a provider. An example of this would be when Wiesel discovers his father in his bed, crying that his neighbors were beating…
In an excerpt from his book, Denison, Iowa: Searching for the Soul of America Through the Secrets of a Midwest Town (2005), Dale Maharidge utilizes numerous rhetorical appeals including ethos, pathos, mythos, and kairos to persuade the reader that the survival of small towns in Iowa depend on their capacity to accept immigrants. This book covers the history of a small town in western Iowa, Denison, and its unflattering historic past of hostility towards immigrants. He begins the book by…
The Analysis of Clive Thompson’s Rhetorical Strategies “Clive Thompson on The New Literacy” by Clive Thompson is an argumentative piece on technology’s effects on the upcoming generation of writers. He insisted that instead of diminishing the youth’s writing skills, technology aided and promoted writing amongst students. The author’s stance was very prominent, but he provided a subpar amount of research. To fortify the notion that technology has a positive effect on students, Thompson utilized the appeal to authority, concrete examples, and statistics.…
In Philadelphia in 1861, Alfred M. Green addressed African Americans during the Civil War to propose that they try to join the ranks of the Union army in the fight to end slavery. To do this effectively, Green empathized with and instilled a sense of camaraderie in his fellow African Americans to make his idea persuasive and convincing. One of the ways in which Green is able to empathize with his audience is by naming the significant injustices that have been brought upon them as a group. In lines 15-18, Green states, “it is true that our injuries in many respects are great; fugitive-slave laws, Dred Scott decisions, indictments for treason, and long dreary months of imprisonment,” which gives his audience common experiences to relate over…
English Diagnostic Essay Adam B. Summers wrote a persuasive editorial, “Bag Ban Bad for freedom and Environment,” using many persuasive details to make his argument. Summers is able to appeal and relate to his audience. The different tactics that Summers uses is rallying pronouns, hard, cold facts, and extensive support and diction. The author writes about how banning plastic bags is hurtful to the world and economy in many ways. With deliberate thought, Summers chooses words like “us” or “our”, in the first paragraph.…
Tim O’Brien conveys the narrator’s overwhelmed state by pulling the reader into the character’s experience with a personal narrative. Descriptive imagery and metaphors also contribute to increasing the reader’s understanding of the character’s tumultuous emotions. To make the reader feel a connection with the character Tim O’Brien, O’Brien repeatedly uses first person for the narrative of the character’s thoughts. The repetition of “I” causes the reader to subconsciously put himself or herself in the position of Tim O’Brien (1084).…
In this passage, Richard Louv states that modern Americans still continue to lose what little contact they have with nature as time goes on, and this trend needs to stop. In order to persuade his intended audience, current adults who grew up in his generation, Louv speaks to them on their own terms by using emotional appeals. Specifically, Louv uses rhetorical questions that cause readers to fully reevaluate their stances on the matter, specific diction that evokes strong emotional responses, and anecdotes that most parents or generation X-ers can agree with. Louv’s rhetorical questions truly involve the audience in a meaningful way. It is nearly impossible to change someone’s mind without first asking him or her to evaluate his or her lifestyle from a different angle.…
Richard & Lockhart (1994) point out that to distinguish a lesson from other speech events, the lesson should have a recognizable structure, which starts with an evident open activity that engages the students; it moves on a series of teaching and learning activities until it reaches a conclusion. Richard & Lockhart (1994) suggests that the teacher should do something to engage the students what was evidenced in the observed class. The Educator opened the lesson asking two questions in Spanish “¿a quién le gustan los animales?” and “¿quién tiene animales en la casa?” what allow the students to activate their prior knowledge regarding the animals.…
In the video, Linda Hammond, stated students, “…need opportunities that are well-structured to allow them to learn those skills and to try different aspects of it.” This was very accurate. Data collected from the formative assessment showed several areas that students did not have critical background knowledge. Students need opportunities in which they will be able to practice the skills they are lacking. Warm up class activities will focus on the skills students are lacking on a daily basis maximizing student learning opportunities.…
Sarah, Thank you for sharing your insights on Dr. Barrett’s article! You bring up some outstanding elements. I respect your method in rationalizing that we are not built a certain way that will make us believe in God. I believe, at this point, we do not have enough sufficient data to defend one view over another.…
“A man who has given away a small fortune, forsaken a loving family, abandoned his car, watch, and map, and burned the last of his money before traipsing off into the wilderness” (71). The national best selling book, “Into the Wild” written by Jon Krakauer tells the story about a man name Chris McCandless. The story takes place in 1990’s and tells the adventures of the a man who changes his name to Alex Supertramp. The story tells the readers of the book:all the different people he met on his journey, where he want and how he died. As the author writees about Chris’s life and his connections with the story he includes many different types of writting styles including rhetoricstragides.…
English composition was never my strong nor favorite because of my knowledge of the grammar and organization in my writing. Taking English 101 is a jump start for me, because last year of high school my teacher focused primarily on English literature. The course has introduced me to rhetorical analysis, and swatching (imitating author argument). Throughout the semester and all of the papers written I can say that it was a good experience to write at a college level and the expectation from college professors is good for future courses that involve writing essays.…
My overall goal in life is to wake up every morning and not dread going to work. I want to be able to face a new challenge, help others, and make a difference no matter how big or small. I want to take pride into what I do and not just think of my job as an action to survive. I believe it is difficult to do so in a scene where a good handful of people do not give you the full respect deserved. In the article “Congregation Gone Wild”, G. Jeffrey MacDonald claims that Congregations have shifted their way of approaching their audience in order to “sooth” churchgoers and keep them on their side.…
Thank you so much for taking the time to talk with me yesterday. I really enjoyed our conversation and learning some more about Jefferies. It was also great learning more about the Generalist Program, which I believe helps associates to find a group where they will fit the best, without having to decide upfront where they want to be.…