Role Of Technology In Fahrenheit 451

Superior Essays
Television and technology seem like such an amazing and necessary entity to have in society today, but is it necessarily the best for people? In the book, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, television is a major source of technology in society, and books are banned from everyone. As the main character, Montag is influenced to understand that television is shattering people’s minds, so he begins to act out and try to outsmart his own co-workers by placing books in their own homes. While reading the book, readers should be able to realize that television is ruining Montag’s co-workers and wife by warping their feelings and thoughts, which is why people should recognize that television is bad for society. Television is bad for society because it …show more content…
As Hayley Tsukayama states in her article, “Dreams of Ray Bradbury: Predictions that came true, “books aren’t banned”, but as years go on “reading a paper-and-glue version of a story” won’t be as common (Tsukayama). If people around the world continue to favor television and different technologies to learn about what’s happening in the world and/or to entertain themselves rather than using books also, the population and importance of them is going to rapidly decrease. Books are important to society as it creates a learning strategy in schools, careers, and in daily life. People need books to quote the past and enhance their knowledge because without them, lives may be affected. In the book, Montag clearly explains how television has affected his life and the life of Mildred: “Nobody listens any more. I can’t talk to the walls because they’re yelling at me. I can’t talk to my wife; she listens to the walls” (Bradbury 78). While some people understand the importance of books, others do not; this can easily cause people to feel as if technology users are “brain-washed” because they concentrate on technology more than others in real life. When this happens, people may feel stuck because they want others to understand that books are important, but those people don’t comprehend that information. People need to start comprehending this important …show more content…
In an article about how television is good for society called “Why Television”, it states that television is able to “bind people together” and helps “trigger reactions” (Why). Although this may be true, books are also able to bind people together; book clubs are one example of how books can bring people closer together. Reading books are an amazing way to trigger reactions from people. Yes, books can be many different genres, but that doesn’t doesn’t mean that they are any less beneficial to triggering reactions. The different settings, events, and actions in books help people to critically think and react to what is happening. In the book, the electric hound came to Montag’s house and scratched at the front door. When Mildred heard the scratching, she looked at Montag and asked, “Someone—the door—why doesn’t the door-voice tell us—?” (Bradbury 68). Just from Mildred saying that, people should understand that she has focused so much on the technology she has that she is confused and disturbed when one of her technologies doesn’t work. This is what can happen to everyone in the world if things continue the way they are; people will depend on technology to live, and when it doesn’t work they will be outraged and have nothing else to look to because books will be history. Books are good for society because they are always there for people when they need them, but technology can be broken or

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