The Raj: The Role Of The British Woman In India

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Britain 's rule over India is often referred to as the Raj, where roughly about 20,000 or so British officials and troopers ruled over 300 million Indian people. The British almost had complete cooperation from the local Indian princes and Indian troops, making it extremely easy to control the country. Their control over India was solidified even more by the fact that India was not a unified country. The British made treaties with the independent states in India, which created a deeper divide in the country and ensured that India could never unite against them. The caste system only helped the Brits maintain their control. The better-off Indian castes went to the finest English-speaking schools and stayed loyal to the Brits. They joined the British armies and performed their civil duties. Some even helped the British to rule over their less fortunate fellow Indians. They had become fully emerged in the western culture. The British man was very successful in his conquering of India however; he would have not been able to conquer without the help of the British woman. British women in the Raj reaped the benefits of Britain 's rule in India and also had some authority over how Indians would conduct themselves. In this paper I will discuss the role of the British woman in India and how they helped promote Victorian values. The British and Indian relationship started as a commercial enterprise initiated by the British East India Company, which was a trading organization. In the nineteenth century Britain reached its colonial peak with India being its most prized possession. Britain’s colonial control came gradually through the use of alliances and treaties with the Indian people. By the mid nineteenth century the British government was able to take complete and direct control over the administration of India. “British supremacy in India was the only practical and desirable solution to the problems they faced as commanders and administrators.” As a result of British influence India’s economy changed significantly during the nineteenth century. Under the British rule India began to grow commercial commodities like cotton and tea. These cash crops were exported around the world and made booming profits for the British. Not only were cash crops introduced to India as a source of commerce but also miles and miles of railroad tracks were laid to aid and enhance commerce throughout the Raj. However, not all the influences from Britain had a positive effect on India. British and the Indians had extremely different ways of living, worshipped vastly different religions, and often clashed culturally. The British took advantage of the caste system that was already practiced in India and put themselves at the top. They formed a society that excluded most indigenous Indians. The Brits saw themselves as superior to the Indian population and anyone who was mixed with Indian. The British imposed their laws, their language, and generally their ways of life unto the Indian population. So one could see how this could cause issues between the two. However, Britain was the dominant power at this time so the Indians had no choice but to adapt. Not only did the British gentleman rule over India but also so did the Victorian woman. The women of the Raj set the tone and style for colonized India. For the English woman, India was the perfect opportunity to improve their economic and social level. It was also a way to find a suitable husband. “The great majority, however, went to India because their husbands were there or because they hoped to find husbands for themselves. To …show more content…
Perhaps without the British woman the success of the empire would not have lasted as long. They had influences in religion, education, style of dress, house keeping, and social life. The British women spread Christianity by becoming missionaries and educated the population mostly children in English by taking up the role of teachers. They taught the Indian people how to properly take care of their homes and how to dress with decency. The British man was very successful in conquering India however, without the vital role of the English woman Victorian values might have not been spread or accepted so

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