Risk Patterns Of Children In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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In the play written by William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, it illustrates the sense of wonder that a child holds. Shakespeare’s mission in writing this play was to explain the danger that can result from the inexperience a child generally contains, and the consequence a wedge between a parent and child can have. During the development of this play-write Shakespeare develops a condescending attitude towards the young characters in this story, in addition a judgemental attitude that is directed toward the parents of those young children. A direct message is conveyed through a flowery story, which makes this work a universal teaching material, however the language used in the original story illustrates that Shakespeare was directing his story towards an older audience.
In Romeo and Juliet there is a feud between the families, which resulted in a wedge between the parents and the children when they wanted to be together. This wedge made the forbbiden all the more intriguing, for they did not understand the potential consequences. In an article written by Maia Szalavitz she shares about a study which looked at the risk patterns of teens vs adults. This study demonstrates why children participate in certain actions and not
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The child like innocence is truly a lack of experience, however children have wild imaginations that can predict the consequences. Shakespeare displayed the damage that a lack of communication with parental figures can cause, along with the irrational decisions adolescents can make when they do not quite fully understand the significance of the repercussions. Shakespeare took the true state of children and put it into a tragic story to truly present the significance that joy, love, fear, hurt, and pain have on the brain and the help that is needed. A child like wonder is a wonderful thing to have, until that same wonder becomes a fog that can not be escaped

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