Rhetorical Analysis: The Affordable Care Act

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The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was formally signed into law on March 23, 2010, with four key rhetorical elements of the ACA that command attention; counteraction of insurance company’s rejection of patients with pre-existing conditions , assuring “essential health benefits ”, mandating citizens to obtain health insurance , and an “employer mandate ”. Consequently, in terms of public policy, it would impose a duty on individuals as members of society. Secondly, it would require individuals to purchase a specific service that would be heavily regulated by the federal government. As Obama’s symbiotic theorist Saul Alinsky revealed in his textbook Rules for Radicals about political revolutionary tactics, “Political action requires a social force.” Therefore, Obamacare with its stifling regulation , wealth redistribution, and welfare-state expansion provides the organized, effective force resistance against the perceived injustice and tyranny of the “have-not” against the “haves”. While, Obama discovered, a legal force ally in the Supreme Court’s opinion on the mandate with Chief Justice, John Roberts . As he permitted the mandate’s institution asserting, “Congress has a broad power under the Commerce Clause,” while, emphasizing that “Congress’s power to regulate commerce assumes that there is commercial activity to regulate.” Nevertheless, the broad congressional power to regulate interstate commerce does not include compelling by force, an individual’s private property to serve the state “altruistic” interests . Therefore, the individual mandate provision fails the individual liberty test , creating a revolution towards the founders’ version of their Constitution. Francis A Schaeffer in his work, A Christian Manifesto, accurately described Humanism as, “begins and ends with man, holding that he self-originated and that he is his own standard regarding all things.” Subsequently, by using public-finance forced altruism, Obamacare’s substantial expansions of Medicaid coverage , funded primarily by higher taxes on affluent and middle class federal taxpayers, reflects an unprecedented commitment to guarantee coverage for virtually every American below or near the poverty line. Consequently, allowing for generous rhetorical arguments for the constitutional test , whether Congress could reasonably conclude that its taxing and spending program promoted the general welfare of the country. Nevertheless, Obama’s Alinsky-like tactics focuses on the effect that can be seen, while, shielding those effects on the masses that must be foreseen. As he regulated his forcible act according to the immediate consequences, the only ones that in their infancy that the public can see. Using egalitarianism, as an emphasis into Ochlocracy by instituting Alinsky’s thirteenth rule: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Obama used the healthcare problem that “threatens to loom more and more”, to distract identifying the real enemy which exists, as the centralizing of power from the American republic traditionalism, by stealing historical power through perceived government led collective altruism. Obama stimulated the humanistic ideal of healthcare as a right, by proclaiming, “Millions of Americans who don’t have health insurance because they’ve been priced out of the market or because they’ve been denied access because of a preexisting condition, they will finally be able to buy quality, affordable health insurance.” However, he never rhetorically examines the consequences of the wealth redistribution’s effect on the overall economy, by contrasting problematic issues that were visible with difficulties, which are not seen. Instead, Obama and his minions made false utopian claims such as, “reform will expand your choices, not eliminate them,” that only rhetorically traded private property for equal value. As any first-year Economist studying Adam Smith …show more content…
And by those standards, we’re not doing particularly well.” In classic Alinsky style, Sanders recognizes, “Power has always derived from two main sources, money and people. Lacking money, the Have-Nots must build power from their own flesh and blood.” However, Jack M. Balkin, cites the legal truth in his work, The Constitutionality of the Individual Mandate for Health Insurance “the individual mandate violates the Fifth Amendment by allowing the government to take property without just compensation.” While, the federal government has a constitutional right to "take" private property for public use, however, the Fifth Amendment's Just Compensation Clause requires the government to pay just compensation, interpreted as market value, to the owner of the property. Subsequently, the empirical result of Obamacare proves it

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