The Rise of the Rhetorical Presidency written by James W. Ceaser, Glen E. Thurow, Jeffrey K. Tulis and Joseph M. Bessette, discussed various changes the electoral branch has experienced in the last 81 years and its overall effect on American politics. The key point this work touches on is “Popular or mass rhetoric, which presidents once employed only, rarely now serves as one of their principal tools in attempting to govern the nation”. The author's use various examples claiming the shift began at the beginning of 1900 and by 1913 there was a new rhetoric employed by the presidents to come. At the beginning of this work the focus is on the effects on the modern presidency, framers intent for the presidency, how the rhetorical presidency developed,…
Music in America is known for being incredibly diverse; even within the many genres of music, there are thousands of playing styles embedded in its culture. In his article, “United States of America”, Richard Crawford goes through the roots of America’s music by tracing the styles and genres all the way back to the eighteenth century. He argues that all American music is made through the combination of two different cultures or genres. Another author, Laura Keith, builds on his argument in her work, “Cultural Diversity”, which specifically uses African American music to argue the same point as Crawford, except she focuses on convincing the reader that students need to be taught about these diverse songs. Crawford’s article is not very effective in convincing the reader of his point because he essentially only spouts off facts, briefly using logos and diction to strengthen the backbone of his argument, but is not successful in making any strong points.…
Everyone who owns a television has seen the “Somewhere in America” commercial, which was published by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, at least once. This commercial is full of emotions and most people, “Always change the channel because they can’t take it anymore,” (McLachlan). Most of the depressing aspects of this commercial is the pictures because the dogs and cats are all beaten up and suffering from something. As a matter of fact, they are trying to make the audience feel sympathetic so they can join the ASPCA. The ASPCA tries to encourage audience monetary donation by using ethos by their tone, logos and pathos from the pictures and the statistics.…
Slogans are a type of vague sentence or statement that are typically used to convey a opinion or a goal. Due to the vagueness, they are not meant to be meaningless, rather they are typically easy to agree with but can later be found to be objectionable. Take for example Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan, we could replace the word "great" with "guess" and we would have a more accurate statement.…
Observations of Trump: Blurred background, clear foreground. He is dressed up in a black suit and white shirt with gold yellow tie. Trump is holding a red golfing bat and he has a huge smile. His eyes are squinted with wrinkles and bags around it while he gives a big smile showing his teeth. Trump’s hair seemed to be half controlled.…
We, the people, need to find and support a leader that loves this country. One who is proud to be an America. One who will unite us- not tear us apart with racial baiting. A leader who will make us proud to be Americans- not apologize for us or belittle us in the eyes of other countries. We need a president who supports our constitution.…
In his article “Lost in America,” Douglas McGray focuses heavily on the problem of isolationism and a lack of worldwide perspectives in the U.S. education system in order to prove that changes in the education of young Americans must be made. “Lost in America” was issued by Foreign Policy magazine in 2006, which reveals that McGray’s audience includes American legislators involved in the elaboration of American curriculum policies. In order to support his argument for this audience of policy makers and legislators, McGray builds credibility through the use of anecdotes that surprise and shock his audience, hyperboles to overemphasize his points, and a well-elaborated call to action to encourage his intended audience. McGray effectively employs…
Amended over the years, the Constitution is the supreme law of the land, fundamental law of the nation. But the generalized language of the Constitution is designed according to the doctrines set forth in the Declaration. For more than two centuries the galvanizing phrases of the Declaration have inspired people around the world. When it came time to draft a new constitution, the Founding Fathers drew upon the principles they had outlined in the Declaration. The Declaration and the Constitution, together, address mankind's most basic political questions, but while they work together to articulate America’s political organization, the Declaration has always been the basis and stronger of the two pieces of American history.…
“(We have) more to do for the young woman in East St. Louis, and thousands more like her, who has the grades, has the drive, has the will, but doesn’t have the money to go to college (Obama, para 6).” Interestingly, he follows this statement with an attempt to dissatisfy one of the commonplace arguments against liberal policies. Mr. Obama says that these people do not ‘expect that government will solve all of their problems,’ but that they are willing to work hard in order to achieve their dreams. This seems to solidify Obama’s ethos with the audience, especially when combined with the specific scenarios that he uses to exemplify the need for his policies. The middle section of the speech is dedicated to the 2004 Presidential Election.…
The American dream is a keystone of our country’s identity. At the core of our nation are the principles of freedom, honor, intelligence, and dignity. Many consider America to be the greatest nation in the world because of our prodigious sense of justice and dedication to preserving liberty across the globe. We consider ourselves paragons of independence, a nation of brave young men and women who are leaders, warriors, and academics.…
In the beginning of the speech President Obama said, “My fellow citizens” (Jan, 2009). An emotional image was drawn in the citizen mind that the president has goals and aims in common. Goals and aims that helping to solve the current problems that most of the citizens had. Also, the president used through his speech we to connect himself the public and he stands as citizen like them. Moreover, President Obama proved how American citizens able to change and he provided an example of himself when he said “why a man whose father less than 60 years ago might not have been served in a local restaurant can now stand before you to take a most sacred oath” (2009).…
To “Make America Great Again” we must take Robert Reich’s proposal into thought. Removal of politics from our democracy will enable corruption to yield, finally halting concentration of wealth at the very top. In this age, recommendations such as this one being spelled out for us should assist our consideration for who is running our current democracy and how we can take part in the decision-making process. Time is of the essence to bring America back to their feet.…
Even though we are willing to help, we should be stricter about the immigrants that are in this country, and Donald Trump has good ideas to do that. To improve America, Trump’s scare tactics will bring people from different parties and areas of the country to vote for him in this upcoming election. He uses the fears of illegal immigration and terrorism as means of getting people to go vote for him. This election will come down to who can keep U.S. citizens safe, and Trump brings that sense of security to the…
In 1782 J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur wrote a powerful essay on the colonial American society. Within this essay he portrays his thoughts about American life and simply defines the beloved country in a new perspective. He wrote this specifically to praise Americans, and their reasons for coming together and making such a great place. As a French aristocrat he shocks the world with his enlightening and brilliantly written essay about the American society. He makes a powerful argument by using comparisons, tone, word choice, and many other rhetorical strategies.…
The Democratic National Committee invited Barack Obama to give the keynote address at the 2004 Democratic Convention. This news came as a surprise as Obama had not yet gained national attention, and was not an obvious choice when compared to other candidates. After his inspiring speech however, Obama became well known throughout America which was good news for John Kerry, as Obama’s speech was intended to persuade voters to support Kerry as president. Obama uses rhetorical devices such as climax in structure, epistrophe, and metonymy to persuade skeptical voters to vote for John Kerry as their next president. Obama makes his speech more convincing by using climax to split his speech into multiple sections; the first section is used…