Nonetheless, this tactic can be extended and rewritten to highlight upon alternate stances. In Super Size Me, Morgan generates his argument about how a high fat, high calorie diet will take its toll on the body. The narrator brings in a plethora of different credible sources, ranging from doctors to senates, and they all comment and support his initiations about the relevant issue with fast food in the nation. However, Morgan pushes beyond just giving a standpoint in his documentary, but serves the dual purpose of providing an argument through telling a story. As an audience we can see first hand footage of children struggling with obesity as Spurlock incorporates live case studies. These unfold true stories of individuals not having monetary means to afford healthy food options, resulting in their consumption of fast food and health problems down the road. Morgan does not simply just throw out an argument and back it up using ethos and logos, but he connects on a deeper level with his audience using pathos to tell a story. Ultimately, I believe that many documentaries can use the technique of incorporating an argument and story together to create a very convincing piece for the viewer. Stories can go beyond just tales of fiction, but instead can be directed towards relaying real-life, historical …show more content…
This essay proposes that subjectivity is better executed and taken to the next level in fictional films rather than documentaries due to an actor revealing the inner thoughts and emotions of their character. As an audience member of Super Size Me, I feel that understanding and processing Morgan’s emotions and the emotions behind the individuals in the several case studies is a crucial aspect of the film’s message. For instance, multiple times throughout the film Spurlock describes his body’s sluggishness, lack of drive to do anything, and minute feelings of depression. He shows the audience his feelings of panic when experiencing heart-related chest pains, all as a result of the food he was putting into his body. Denoting these inner emotions allows the viewer to further process the main argument of the film and makes it more convincing because we can understand the negative emotional toll on the body rather than just the physical one. Through the case studies, people’s real life stories are shown, and their psychological thoughts associated with their circumstances can be evaluated by the audience. Bringing in that emotional aspect to documentaries provides a deeper viewer connection as they can come to terms with not only the central argument but the feelings that go into revealing it. As a result, the overall message is stronger and more