Rhetorical Analysis: 'Between The World And Me'

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Rhetorical Analyses Essay
Ta-nehisi Coates wrote a memoir addressed to his son Samori titled Between the world and me, where he refers to The Dream and want it truly consists of. Coates avoids from portraying his memoir as a rant against the fight between two races. He doesn’t write of the cliché arguments that we have all heard more than enough times. In Coates’s memoir, he starts the memoir of by making a distinct separation between the two different groups one known as a dreamer and those who aren’t dreamers. Coates refers to the dream in a variety of different ways he goes from talking about how the dream smells of peppermint and taste of strawberry shortcake to how it puts black bodies in danger. No matter what perspective Coates decides
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Coates writes “I’ll tell you now that the question of how one should live within a country lost in the Dream, is the question of my life, and the pursuit of this question, I have found, ultimately answers itself.” (12) Those that believe they are white have this idea of the Dream typically generalized by the ultimate success, wealth, a nice stable family and career. Coates basically is saying that these individuals are so fixated on having the dream and reaching the American dream that their eyes are locked fully on that and only that. Most of them will do anything they must do to with the Dream being the finish line. Just like whenever an individual is focused on something they become blind to everything, their life becomes a fight and they dismiss every obstacle in their path. Everyone around them becomes an enemy or a team mate. Which can result in them being lost like Coates stated in the passage. Coates’ particular words “is the question of my life” comes off to the reader that for years he has in been a desperate search to learn how he is supposed to live in a world where so many of those individuals who believe they are white are fixated on the …show more content…
It’s Extremely important for the reader to understand that when Coates talks about an individual who is ”white” that he isn’t making reference to someone with blonde hair and blue eyes. When Coates uses the term “white he uses it in the same hope that it would be interpreted the same way it was interpreted when he used the term “being black”. Coates excepted that the reader to associate feeling superior, and entitled with the term “white” just like prior in the memoir when Coates excepted the reader to associate “being black” in a negative

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