In Aristotle’s term, justice is telogical; therefore, it is the “essential nature” or “purpose” (186) of the action that determines if it is right. He also claims justice is “honorific” (186) since it must include virtuous actions. Just as in nature, as the more deserving reap more rewards, society must create and honor good citizens. Finally, Sandel compares these theories and debates which ideas citizens should follow. The author argues telogical justice is the best way to live, because the purpose of government must be for the right reasons and purposeful. Continuing with the idea of purposeful government, it must also be neutral, meaning the citizens must be open-minded while respecting other’s opinion. Furthermore, Sandel claims that in order to have a neutral country as described citizens must be engaged; thus gaining representation. By participating in politics, it will make a neutral country. Overall, Justice is a well-written book, making citizens aware of various ideas of government. By comparing utilitarian and libertarian views, Sandel is able to sift out the negative aspects of these forms of government that hinder justice. Kant’s, Rawl’s, and Aristotle’s ideas allow its citizens what makes a good
In Aristotle’s term, justice is telogical; therefore, it is the “essential nature” or “purpose” (186) of the action that determines if it is right. He also claims justice is “honorific” (186) since it must include virtuous actions. Just as in nature, as the more deserving reap more rewards, society must create and honor good citizens. Finally, Sandel compares these theories and debates which ideas citizens should follow. The author argues telogical justice is the best way to live, because the purpose of government must be for the right reasons and purposeful. Continuing with the idea of purposeful government, it must also be neutral, meaning the citizens must be open-minded while respecting other’s opinion. Furthermore, Sandel claims that in order to have a neutral country as described citizens must be engaged; thus gaining representation. By participating in politics, it will make a neutral country. Overall, Justice is a well-written book, making citizens aware of various ideas of government. By comparing utilitarian and libertarian views, Sandel is able to sift out the negative aspects of these forms of government that hinder justice. Kant’s, Rawl’s, and Aristotle’s ideas allow its citizens what makes a good