I think it is important for the freedom not be restricted to one group or type of people but, rather, everyone, equally. This exact reasoning is why I believe that universal healthcare should definitely be a thing. Though, through Obama Care we are nearly there, the laws and regulations within that law are being threatened to be disbanded so I am now more than ever pushing for equal healthcare. Along with equal healthcare , I believe that everyone should have the equal opportunity to be successful in life and be able to graduate. I believe that we should work on closing the achievement gap in education. Too many kids are believing and even embracing the stereotypical things that are being said about their ethnicity and their rate of success. But I believe that everyone has the ability to succeed they just need someone to give a push and they need to believe in themselves as well. One other thing I believe that needs to be done in order for there to be equality is equal pay between men and women. Women work just as hard and just as long as men do and should be paid for all the work and effort they put forth. They perform the same rigorous, strenuous work that men do, and yet are paid less for it, simply, because they are women and do not stand on the same spectrum as men. Therefore I believe that Women should be paid the same amount as …show more content…
Such as the Pro-life, Pro-choice argument; I am Pro-life because it is not the child’s fault that they grew inside you and it is not fair to take their life away because you want to keep living it up. There are other options than suddenly having to raise a child. Maybe you are not ready or maybe you are too young. There is always the option of adoption. At least give the child who did not have the option of being brought into this world the chance to live their