Reproductive Justice In Canada Essay

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Reproductive Justice in Canada has gone into the limelight recently with Prince Edward Island finally providing access to abortions by the end of 2016 after years of women having to travel to New Brunswick or Nova Scotia to get abortions. The fight for reproductive rights in Canada has been a challenging struggle that has made tremendous strides and progress due to the efforts of extraordinary activists and contributors. While there have been many strong advances in the direction to improve the lives of women, it is important to remember the efforts of induvial from the past who paved the way for the women of today. The topic of abortion continued to be very controversial and debateable topic which continues on to today.
Reproductive Justice
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However, abortion and birth control are not only the issues in reproductive rights. A new layer in the discussion of reproductive rights that evolve with the development of technology is surrounding surrogacy and the picking and choosing of certain traits. The Assisted Human Reproduction Act deals with this very new phenomenon and bans the fabrication of human embryos for research, creation of human and non-human hybrids, the alteration of human DNA. In more detail the act as Sullivan suggests, “distinguishes between two kinds of embryos: "reproductive embryos," which qualify as almost human life and cannot therefore be bought and sold, and "replicative embryos," whose potentiality is not in producing life but in producing health benefits and which may therefore be inserted into a system of economic exchange” (cite). Additions to the movement of reproductive justice such as these exposes that even with the progress that has occurred from earlier generations, there is more discussion that needs to happen and advances that need to be made. Even if the focus is mainly on abortion, reproductive justice is a bigger topic than that with the example of the controversy towards the picking and choosing of genetic

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