Waleed Aly "ISIL is Weak" text response Purpose Waleed Aly's speech "ISIL is Weak" on The Project was broadcast shortly after the Paris terrorist attack in 2015. Although his speech had multiple purposes and reasons it was aired, the main purpose was very clear; to let the public know that ISIL is weak and struggling for power. Aly emphasizes throughout the speech the fact that ISIL are trying to create a society of islamophobes, making ISIL the only place for Muslims to turn. To emphasize this Aly utilises inclusive and inclusive language, such as 'we' or 'they' to create a barrier between us (the public) and them (ISIL).…
Everyone who owns a television has seen the “Somewhere in America” commercial, which was published by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, at least once. This commercial is full of emotions and most people, “Always change the channel because they can’t take it anymore,” (McLachlan). Most of the depressing aspects of this commercial is the pictures because the dogs and cats are all beaten up and suffering from something. As a matter of fact, they are trying to make the audience feel sympathetic so they can join the ASPCA. The ASPCA tries to encourage audience monetary donation by using ethos by their tone, logos and pathos from the pictures and the statistics.…
when she is told that Funtown is closed to colored children, and see the depressing clouds of inferiority begin to form in her little mental sky, and see her distort her little personality by unconsciously developing a bitterness toward white people(265) King is simply putting segregation in the eyes of a child and showing the audience how it’s tearing the younger generation apart by teaching them how to hate those who are different from them. Through this scene the audience feels the complication and shame the father feels for his innocent daughter suffering consequences she has no right to receiving for just being herself. King goes into more depth of the struggle of being black by writing “When you take a cross country drive and find it…
“A man who has given away a small fortune, forsaken a loving family, abandoned his car, watch, and map, and burned the last of his money before traipsing off into the wilderness” (71). The national best selling book, “Into the Wild” written by Jon Krakauer tells the story about a man name Chris McCandless. The story takes place in 1990’s and tells the adventures of the a man who changes his name to Alex Supertramp. The story tells the readers of the book:all the different people he met on his journey, where he want and how he died. As the author writees about Chris’s life and his connections with the story he includes many different types of writting styles including rhetoricstragides.…
“The Horizontal World” People from the Midwest get tired of explaining that they are just like anywhere else in the country. Riding tractors to school is not one of the things Midwest people do. Everyone has a different perspective when talking about the Midwest, but if it weren't for this part of the country there would be a limited amount of food. Not only does the Midwest provide farming land, but there are different things to do that aren’t boring. Many people believe that the Midwest is just a boring place to live with nothing to do but look at farmland.…
My mind tends not to linger on literature for a long period of time. But, throughout this semester of Writing in Culture, Fremont High School written by Jonathan Kozol, did exactly that, linger. For some reason I wish I could say that this story relates to me, because of some personal experience that I had going through high school. In reality, my high school was great, I believe that is why this essay lingered in my head.…
The article “Miscalculation on Visas Disrupts Lives of Highly Skilled Immigrants” (2015), by Julia Preston, states the State Department and Homeland Security allowed the department to give anticipating immigrants news of them being able to take the next step to obtain a green card. The author provides background information about the situation, along with reasons as to why the incident occurred, and its impact on immigrants. Preston attempts to inform about the episode and provide an explanation to the immigrants involved, through the use of rhetorical appeals. Preston establishes ethos before the article starts, as she is a reporter of a reputable newspaper, which gives her credibility. She starts off her article powerfully by providing context for those who are unaware of the situation; in the beginning of September, the State Department told thousands of highly skilled legal immigrants that they “would be able to advance early to the next step: filing a formal application.”…
Go into paragraph and talk about how before white males were in power blah blah and how Lincoln wanted to abolish south leaders altogether and how at first American society was not really a democracy at all and how this info in the whole paragraph is America moving one step closer to democracy. In McPherson’s book, he refers to the economic environment of the South as being a slave reliant one in which it greatly depended on its predominantly agriculture and plantation systems, while the North focused more on equality and the rights of the people. African Americans began demonstrating political resistance and acting out against their white slave owners during the Civil War. When Lincoln came into office, the Freedmen’s Bureau surfaced which…
President Barack Obama’s actions have been questioned since the day he took the oath of office. These three articles address the constitutional limitations to his actions on immigration. Each article produces an individual view to the subject, including different tones and opinions, while maintaining objectivity and using rhetoric to convey their ideas. With this specific language, the authors are able to portray their view on the president’s plan in such a way that draws the reader in and allows them to understand different points of view and beliefs on President Obama’s congressional actions. The first article “The Constitutional Authority for Executive Orders on Immigration Is Clear” by Eric Posner sets a clear attack towards opposing…
Reading through the article it is easy to tell that the author is explaining how people can associate happiness more from experiences, rather than tangible items. The essay follows the author as he discusses this idea with professors and researchers in the field of psychology, and presents this through the rhetorical devices of logos and pathos. He provides examples to support his claims, and shows that he is a credible source. Along with this he can draw the reader in as he explains why people have more happiness after an experience as appose to an object purchase. Throughout this article, the author is able to relay his ideas to his readers because of his accurate usage of the rhetorical devices.…
This paper focuses on an article in the Washington Post titled Why the Supreme Court should rule that violent games are free speech. The author of the article is called Daniel Greenberg and the paper will specifically focus on the way the author has employed a number of writing mechanics in presenting his arguments. Among the things to be highlighted include the way the author present himself as credible as possible. This refers to the use of ethos. The other thing to be seen in this case is the way the author has argued through the use of emotional speech.…
President, I commend you on these matters, and I am not asking for retribution on this matter. I am asking for further, and harsher enforcement on these matters. Don’t be afraid to get tougher, the statistics show it can only get better from here. Should it not boggle the mind that citizens in the USA want rights for someone who we know nothing about, and could possibly hut us. Imagine the Kate Stinley case happening to hundreds of children nationwide.…
English composition was never my strong nor favorite because of my knowledge of the grammar and organization in my writing. Taking English 101 is a jump start for me, because last year of high school my teacher focused primarily on English literature. The course has introduced me to rhetorical analysis, and swatching (imitating author argument). Throughout the semester and all of the papers written I can say that it was a good experience to write at a college level and the expectation from college professors is good for future courses that involve writing essays.…
QP engaged Maunica into participating in a CBT activity geared towards stressors. QP explained to Maunica that the activity will help her increase her awareness of personal stressors and emotional physical and behavioral symptoms of stress. QP explained to Maunica what physical, emotional and behavioral stress are and provided an example of each. QP provided Maunica with a worksheet in which she had to indicate if any of the statements true to her. QP brainstormed with Maunica irritants that causes stress.…
Equiano uses imagery to depict images, so we can envision the scenes more clearly. He starts off with the moment he is kidnapped and uses imagery to let the reader know what he went through with all of his emotions. He was still with his sister, stating, “bathing each other with our tears… deprived of even the small comfort of weeping together”. He was scared, along with his sister, frightened of being taken away from each other. They were so young and didn’t know what to do except be terrified, not knowing their fate/…