Reflective Essay: The Real Ebonics Debate

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Over the past few weeks I have gotten a better understanding of who Joel and Shaundrielys are as readers and students in general. For Joel, since he is in kindergarten he has not fully learned the alphabet. He is able to sing the song and figure out the letters, but struggles to know a letter when asked at random. I feel that as communication goes he does very well. He is always eager to talk and is most of the time engaged. However, sometimes when I would ask him what a letter is he would start to say the letter, as if it was on the tip of his tongue, and then pause and finally say a random letter. I can tell that he does know the letters, but when it comes to showing me he knows them he sometimes will just goof around. So when trying to tell if he knows the letters or if he actually does not, it gets difficult when he does not communicate to me. His communication skills are great, but sometimes he just chooses not to communicate. Overall I can see that there is progress in his knowledge of the letters. It seems evident that it will just take him longer than some other students to fully grasp them all and I can see he gets discouraged when his friends know all the letters and he does not. When we get into an activity where I help him with his letters he does show progress and enthusiasm so I can tell he wants to learn. On the other hand for Shaundrielys, she is at the high end for reading. This drastic difference allows me to see all the different types of learners that I could have in my own classroom and it helps me to learn how to tailor my teaching to benefit all of the students. Shaundrielys shows an excellent understanding of language and how to communicate her understanding to me. When we read a book that has more difficult words she will occasionally be stumped at first, but always finds a way to figure out the word. She does this by either sounding out the word, using the picture for help, or even looking back to see if she already read the word on a previous page. While reading, Shaundrielys sometimes gets stuck on a word and is not afraid to ask me to help her with it. I feel that she does very well showing her understanding of English through her reading of difficult books and ability to figure out words she has never seen before. I know that she is a dual language speaker and sometimes she will even try to teach me Spanish, but for knowing two languages she shows how her practice has helped her become a better reader. Overall for Shaundrielys, she shows a developed level of understanding the words and books that she is reading through communicating with me. There have been struggles with both students when they are not engaged and are not communicating to see if they are understanding. However, I feel …show more content…
In this book she wrote, “It is possible and desirable to make the actual study of language diversity a part of the curriculum for all students” (Delpit 1998). This idea reflects my experience because Seymour is a dual language school that fosters to both English and Spanish speakers. Therefore this quote is pretty much the philosophy of this school. They believe that if a child speaks two languages that their education should reflect that. When it comes to me helping the students we do not really focus on Spanish, but occasionally Joel will tell me a letter in Spanish instead of English. That does prove that he is understanding the letters in both languages yet, he just does not always know when the time is right to use which language. Overall with both of the students I feel that they are benefiting greatly from the dual language education. As Delpit talked about that this curriculum is very desired so the fact that this school is able to give this opportunity to its students is highly beneficial. I feel that not all of the students would be reached if it were not for this dual language education because English may be the dominant language in some households, but it is definitely not in all households. Therefore this opportunity continues to help foster an education directed for these

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