When you are giving a presentation you must have confidence and you shouldn’t be scared or be embarrassed to be in front of people. The thing is that confidence isn’t the only thing you need to have while giving excellent presentations. I learned that you need to move around and the more you move while you …show more content…
Managing time is extremely important to everyone. A lot of people don’t know how to manage time effectively. I used to be like that. This lesson would have been more important last year for me but it is still extremely important, since I would procrastinate until the last possible second. Since I would do that I would have to work hard to get decent grades. I found myself doing stuff I didn’t have to do. I would just procrastinate. Last year’s procrastion was probably due to the fact that I was so done with high school. The start of this year I decided that I should change my ways. So I started this year off strong and I didn’t procrastinate. As this year went by I slowly was procrastinating a bit but it wasn’t terrible, but I did need that to change. Luckily our seminar was about Managing Your TIme. I learned that I should prioritize more efficiently. I started to dedicate more time to academics and less time to netflix and hanging out. I learned that you in fact have time for everything you just need to learn how to fit everything into your day. I used to think that I couldn’t possibly do everything in one day. Now I know that it is possible. I try to manage my time effectively