Redesign Project Document Analysis

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For my redesign project, I chose to analyze my paper about the decreasing percentage of females withholding a law enforcement position and the reasoning to why that is. I chose law enforcement agencies trying to recruit more females as my new targeted audience for this assignment. For my original document, my audience was directed to the general public. When I made my original document, I gave a brief explanation about the qualifications and requirements of becoming a police officer. I gave my briefing to a board of three judges that consisted of one police officer and two high school teachers. Since it was directed to a broader audience, I had to explain the harsh environmental conditions that police officers encounter while on duty. I focused …show more content…
For my Redesign Project, I chose key points on how I could emphasize the importance of why we need more females in law enforcement agencies. The tone has change from my original document because now I am trying to persuade law enforcement agencies on why they need more females to work for them. I want to make it apparent that we need more females because they are beneficial to our community. Females have different techniques in policing than males have by using communication instead of excessive force. According to statistics, males use more excessive force and are accounted with more lawsuits and complaints from the community. Therefore, women could be beneficial by using communication skills instead of using excessive force, which will lower the amount of lawsuits. Most females do not choose to become a police officer because of how dangerous the job can be. Women do not have the physical ability to protect themselves and this puts their lives in danger. There have been numerous female police officers have been taken advantage of and brutally killed because they do not have enough training to react to someone who is twice their size. Police agencies should put more emphasis on training police officers on police tactics and how to properly defend themselves in a

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