Red Rising by Pierce Brown follows main character Darrow as he tries to free his people, the reds. He lives in a world where people are classified into colors and then given different freedoms based on those colors. Red is the bottom and gold is the top with different colors in between. Darrow gets recruited by a “terrorist” organization called the Sons of Ares. The Sons of Ares …show more content…
It follows more or less the same arc as Hunger games. Darrow grows up in poverty, gets accepted to a place where kids kill each other, and then he turns against the people who put him there. There is even a part in the book where he nurses his sick love interest back to health in a cave. Even though the way it gets there is very different, it feels like the main points are just copy and pasted from Hunger Games. Another big weakness is Darrows uncanny luck. Everytime something bad happens you can easily predict that something good will happen to cancel it out. For example, in the middle of the book darrow loses his army and is killed by Cassius, but in a few pages he has built another army and is back to full fighting health. This happens a few times, especially at points where you think Darrow is going to die which removes some of the intensity of