Arguments Against Recidivism

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"Recidivism." National Institute of Justice. N.p., Apr. 2014. Web. 03 Aug. 2016. Researchers from Pennsylvania State University’s Justice Center for Research have partnered with RTI International in order to evaluate the effects of programs and services aimed at the cognitive transformation of former prisoners. These services include incapacitation, which refers to imprisonment, effectively separating the prisoner from society, Specific deterrence, which refers to restrictions placed upon an offender in order to prevent further crime, and rehabilitation, which refers to addressing and changing the mindset and cognitive behavior of the prisoner. These measures are aimed at preventing re-incarceration by deterring the offender from committing further criminal activity. Statistics reveal that 71.3% of violent offenders are rearrested within five years following their release. In theory, maximum security prisons should deter further criminal misbehavior, decreasing the percentage of re-incarceration, however, researchers from the National Institute of Justice have discovered that the opposite effect is taking place. Prisoners placed with individuals Bleyl 2 who display the same behavioral patterns tend to encourage anti-social …show more content…
The inability to properly regulate emotional responses can contribute to homicidal tendencies and impulsive acts of violence, which are worsened by alcohol/substance abuse. Studies have shown that around 20-23% of homicide defendants committed their crime in the midst psychosis. Alcohol consumption increases impulsiveness in individuals with bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, which consequently raises the risk of homicide. According to this study, treatment programs should be targeted specifically to individuals suffering from these mental disorders in order to prevent homicidal behaviors before they

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