California State Prison System Essay

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In the United States, criminal activities and criminal arrest have become a recurring cycle of society. Our government is constantly passing new laws to accommodate for the growing plague of crime that occurring in our society almost always. Some crimes are more serious than others but all share a common denominator in the fact that there is a victim and a perpetrator. Some crimes may be person to person, and some may be person to society. The essence of each crime vary by cases to case bases, with the most serious offenders being found of causing physical damage to another person ( Murders, Assaulters, and sexual predators). Our society has a job to rehabilitate these individuals, but also protect the community that they service. The growing problem that has occurred is the ability to facilitate these individuals in state prisons. Although these prison contain some of the most serious and violent offenders our society knows, it also caters to less detrimental criminals in our society that has contribute to the growth of the prison population in each state. In …show more content…
The immediate affect it has on our society is that it has helped the CDCR reduce its inmate population drastically. This benefits California in many different way. One example of how it benefits California is by how it has helped reduce the inmate population in our state prison system. This saves the state of California and CDCR about $500,000,000 million dollars annually. The funds have also help the California Department of Correction and Rehabilitation from expanding it prison housing facilities because less inmates are in need of housing. Unlike some states where prisons are privately owned, California state prisons are state funded which the decrease in annual cost ultimately saves taxpayer’s funds. The savings in state used funds also help the state use the funds towards other state funding

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