Puritan Women Research Paper

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Women throughout history are known to be very powerful figures in different movements and time periods, they play impacting roles in our society and proved to us many times that women are certainly “great” as well. Although they are often judged for their supposedly weak minds and bodies, women still accomplished numerous of things of great importance. Cleopatra prevented Egypt from expanding the Roman Empire during Ancient Egypt, Catherine the Great westernizing Russia and improving Russian serf’s land during absolutism, Amelia Earhart being the first female pilot to fly across the Atlantic Ocean and much more. Women have adapted to many new surroundings and got praised for their achievements. However, the one thing that still hasn’t changed …show more content…
Women had to raise their children at home while men went out to work, married women were expected to follow whatever their husband desired and they weren’t given enough rights such as preventing women from voting and only allowing them to do the traditional Puritans customs. Women also got less job opportunities like the ones that require leadership skills, “the women in puritan society fulfilled a number of different roles but only men could be elected as community leaders and ministers” ( “Puritan and Quaker Women” 1). It is quite obvious that Puritan women may have played an important role in society, however they weren’t born with equal rights in contrast to men. The discrimination of women and the legal system shows that not every law was applied to …show more content…
But why is that women are so strong and influential yet they’re still under the control of most men and the government. Even in our modern society, females still continue to receive rude remarks from people because of their actions and suffers from mental sicknesses like depression and anxiety caused by the amount of public shame they get. Double standards are an example of how women are viewed as today, “Why should boys receive more school funding for sports than girls?” (Perlmutter 313). Men being treated more superior than women are still continuing on along with domestic violence. There is a large statistic of 683,000 women who are being raped each year since 2009, as well as children who are also abused. Most importantly this type of treatment is originated from the Puritans, “Historically spouse and child abuse arrived in North America with the Puritans. Women and children were viewed as personal property of men” (Astle, Frederick, Head 4), the Puritans’ traditional beliefs reflected to how women and also children are treated in modern

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