This article evoked at first a neutral response because of the way the article was written, it was long, a little “dry” and somewhat uninspiring; it was not until I read it the third time when parts of the articles started to grab my attention. When we look at people who are in the best in their fields either it be hockey players, squash players (I play squash) business men and even the best of the entertainers we can see a thread that connects them, they practice, put in a lot of time but they perhaps do one thing that the …show more content…
It was the term “deliberate practice” that caught my eye, and I began to think what this concept means to me in my own work. On any given shift I can have many interactions with our shelter guests and the residents (men who are on parole as we are also a half way house) and of course my colleagues. How do I practice “deliberate practice”, what steps do I go to go above and beyond the everyday scope of practice, and how do I consciously look at getting feedback from those important folks that I work with. This concept stirred up within a level of motivation and excitement because I am always looking of new way that I can be better in my own practice, grow as an individual and find ways where I can be more and this idea of deliberate practice began the process of thinking about how can I be more purposeful in my work as well as private