The psychoeducational group therapy begins with session one; rapport building and trust. In the session group members will establish ground rules, review expectations, program overview and ice breaker. The objective is this first session is to get the group members aquatinted. They will learn the importance of coping skills for anxiety in children and adolescents. Create an atmosphere of trust between group members and with the facilitators. They will outline what anxiety looks like in this age group, and why it is important in our interactions with others. Lastly the overall purpose will be to facilitate group learning, peer support and strengthen relationships between group members. This particular session will open with the facilitator and group members introducing themselves. Next the group will be provided with a general overview and the goal of the psychoeducational group. The group lead/facilitator will ask each participant to write their names on slips of paper and tape them on, to help group members learn each The facilitator will then explain the structure of the group counseling sessions. The group will have a basic understanding that the group process allows for scaling of current stress level and spend approximately 25-30 minutes addressing immediate concerns. The second half of the session will consist of a psychoeducation component which focuses on skill building through the use of participatory methods. It is anticipated that the division of time between the two parts of the session could change, as self-reporting increases. As I stated before in psychoeducational therapy there are rules that are established. In the first session rapport building and trust group members will have the opportunity to do just that. When working with a group that consist of children and adolescents it is important to create some ground rules, so that the group can have a common understanding of what to expect from one another. Certain ground rules will include; Maintaining confidentiality, being respectful, no cell phones, no interrupting others. When working with the group to establish ground rules, facilitators should make sure to: Emphasize the importance of confidentiality. The purpose of session two is to inform members of what anxiety is, what it looks like, problems that stem from anxiety, and situations in which anxiety can be present. The group member will introduce session topic: Identifying Anxiety. The group leader …show more content…
The second half of the session will consist of a psychoeducation component which focuses on skill building through the use of participatory methods. It is anticipated that the division of time between the two parts of the session could change, as self-reporting increases.
In therapy there are various ways to address individual goals and goals of the group as a whole. Group therapy objective and goal is to focus on the group member’s concerns. Educating children and adolescents about anxiety will help them identity and learn ways to cope with the disorder. Psychoeducational groups help people who would like to improve their ability to cope with problems. The goal of group therapy is to helps people learn about themselves, coping skills and improve their interpersonal …show more content…
REBT is based on the premise of upsetting emotions and behaviors. Thoughts and behaviors are what are in our control, whereas our feelings are a result of the thoughts that we have. These same thoughts and feelings can cause anxiety within children and adolescents. REBT approach examine how your thoughts impact your feelings and behaviors in situations The role of the leader in REBT groups is to provide a direct approach and understanding for what REBT is. The desired outcome of REBT groups is for members to learn how to think rationally (Gladding, 2016). A rational thought can create an emotion and behavior that could decrease the anxiety that someone is possibly feeling. REBT is easy to understand and explain to group members. I personally believe that REBT can be effective for this particular counseling group. So many people suffer from irrational beliefs which in return creates unhealthy emotional