It's difficult to say exactly what the coverage losses would be under the Graham-Cassidy bill, experts say. That's largely because it would give a lot of control over health care to the states, while at the same time curtailing federal funding. Their decisions will affect how many of their residents have coverage.
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Here's how it would work: The legislation would eliminate Obamacare's Medicaid expansion, as well as federal premium and cost-sharing subsidies to buy policies on the exchanges. Instead, states would get a pot of money through 2026, and it would be up to them to figure out how to spend it on health care. …show more content…
Plus, the money would be redistributed so many states that expanded Medicaid -- which saw the greatest coverage gains under the health reform law -- would lose some of their funding, while those that didn't expand would get more.
Also, like the prior GOP efforts, the Graham-Cassidy bill would eliminate the individual mandate. That alone would result in about 15 million fewer insured Americans next year, CBO