The Pros And Cons Of Capitalism

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The Industrial Revolution, a phenomenon that made America the world power it is today. Luminaries like Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, and J. P Morgan, men who built the foundations of the industrial age; used cutthroat tactics, double-crossed their allies, and pushed the blue-collar workers to the brink. These men created an empire that overworked the working class, while justifying it by saying, laissez-faire, or “let it be,” causing the government to back down, because it would cause for an inefficient economy. Their primary motivation was to make a profit. They abused the system to the point where the government had to step in; creating the FDA, Unions, and other countless restrictions. Restrictions that are still upheld today, but there is a fine line, and corporations are pushing the barriers. As a Capitalist state the populous are not seen as people; to the corporations, we are seen as dollar signs. Karl Marx, a visionary, a man who lived in a time in history where if you were poor, you stayed poor, someone who wanted a change; he showed the world that there does not have to be a set class system, we as humans are equal. The bourgeoisie should fall from the heavens and redistribute the wealth. Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto, now, that word today is tainted, but his ideas in that book were much like Socialism today, and he also died years before what would become of Communism. Marx wrote this as a theory, but years later, it was used as a driving point for a revolution. In a perfect world pure Socialism would rule, but humans are greedy, selfish, and bad natured to the core. Something the revolutionaries in Russia did not account for in their new rulers; rulers who became money crazed, turning Marxism into Capitalism. There should not be pure socialism, because it would be Communism, and people these days are unreliable and would not work. Not just that, say in the utopia of Socialism; a janitor and a doctor would be making the same pay, and would both be grateful. Today we have a fair mix of both Socialism and Capitalism. Capitalism has its advantages and setbacks. …show more content…
They are focused on maximum wealth, not the individual. It is great for the economy, but in the case of a person’s well-being, it is not the best. Insurance companies, run by corporations, are in charge of a person’s life, someone who has a family, a life can be torn up and thrown away, because some greedy person wanted to save a piece of green paper. A piece of paper, well torn up jeans, rules our lives, rules the world. We as humans are willing to ruin families and will not bat an eyelash, because they may not meet the requirements for insurance. Where in Socialism, health care is universal; the care of a human comes first, then the money second. People can’t think about, how can I get out of helping this person, his surgery is three-hundred thousand? Corporations think like this, and they derive from Capitalism. Time is a priceless thing on this Earth, to take that away from someone is insanity, for a substance that does not have any meaning if our society did not exist. Martin Shkreli, an ex-hedge funder, bought a lifesaving pill, and raised the price from thirteen dollars and fifty cents to seven hundred fifty dollars. His reasoning was that the

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