They are focused on maximum wealth, not the individual. It is great for the economy, but in the case of a person’s well-being, it is not the best. Insurance companies, run by corporations, are in charge of a person’s life, someone who has a family, a life can be torn up and thrown away, because some greedy person wanted to save a piece of green paper. A piece of paper, well torn up jeans, rules our lives, rules the world. We as humans are willing to ruin families and will not bat an eyelash, because they may not meet the requirements for insurance. Where in Socialism, health care is universal; the care of a human comes first, then the money second. People can’t think about, how can I get out of helping this person, his surgery is three-hundred thousand? Corporations think like this, and they derive from Capitalism. Time is a priceless thing on this Earth, to take that away from someone is insanity, for a substance that does not have any meaning if our society did not exist. Martin Shkreli, an ex-hedge funder, bought a lifesaving pill, and raised the price from thirteen dollars and fifty cents to seven hundred fifty dollars. His reasoning was that the
They are focused on maximum wealth, not the individual. It is great for the economy, but in the case of a person’s well-being, it is not the best. Insurance companies, run by corporations, are in charge of a person’s life, someone who has a family, a life can be torn up and thrown away, because some greedy person wanted to save a piece of green paper. A piece of paper, well torn up jeans, rules our lives, rules the world. We as humans are willing to ruin families and will not bat an eyelash, because they may not meet the requirements for insurance. Where in Socialism, health care is universal; the care of a human comes first, then the money second. People can’t think about, how can I get out of helping this person, his surgery is three-hundred thousand? Corporations think like this, and they derive from Capitalism. Time is a priceless thing on this Earth, to take that away from someone is insanity, for a substance that does not have any meaning if our society did not exist. Martin Shkreli, an ex-hedge funder, bought a lifesaving pill, and raised the price from thirteen dollars and fifty cents to seven hundred fifty dollars. His reasoning was that the