Development of the steel industry was boosted by discovery of the Bessemer process. ("Second Industrial Revolution") Henry Bessemer and William Kelly drastically reduced the cost and time needed in producing steel from pig-iron. They found out that that blasting air through molten iron produced high quality steel. Steel was widely used in construction of buildings, because it provided good support for skyscrapers and tall towers.…
“A steam engine in trousers,” a contemporary once called him. The first president to ride in an automobile, fly in an airplane, and even be submerged in a submarine. Who was this man? His name was Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th president of the United States of America. After the assassination of the 25th president, William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, his vice president, rose to power to make many great achievements.…
Brian Luy History 109 February 29, 2016 How did the labor and women's movements expand the meanings of American freedom? Progressive Reformers wanted better working conditions. They had in mind to humanize industrial capitalism (…
They started the “City Beautiful” movement which advocated better urban spaces, such as places with tennis courts and ice rinks. Lastly, progressive reformers…
After the civil war ended, immigrants began to colonize in the United States. This made it difficult for the United States government to watch the majority of the population, this would lead to many laws being broken. One of the presidents who were successful to fix a large part of the problems the U.S faced was Theodore Roosevelt. During the 1890s-1920s, United States was in its Progressive Era which was a time period in which there was political reforms across America. During 1901-1909 Theodore Roosevelt’s presidency created a huge impact on how our country was framed and is still used today.…
By 1914, the Progressive Era had instilled a healthy dose of positive liberty into American domestic policy, resulting in many important educational, labor, and economic reforms that continue to affect American legislature today. But following WWI, President Woodrow Wilson took the concept of positive liberty to an even more influential level by proposing a new approach to foreign policy that essentially advocated for internationalism. In doing so, he was challenging the American tradition of isolationism that had more or less stood unchanged since the presidency of George Washington himself. Because of its perceived radicalism, Wilson’s proposed policy was initially rejected by Congress. But in the years that followed, WWII and the publication…
Later on in the Gilded Age came the Populist Party, or People’s Party. They were a group of reforming, working-class people who advocated for such causes as the end of national banks, the deprivatization of railroads, silver coinage, and a graduated income tax, as bolstered by the “National People’s Party Platform” (Doc 4). The opinions of working-class people, their platform was crafted to discourage many abuses of America’s economy and political system by big business at a time when political machines run by the wealthy elite were rampant in the U.S. Corrupt political machines had…
Conservatism during this time was rooted in the formation of societies and governments similar to the Old Regime, in which the aristocracy ruled. These governments seemed democratic because they weren't being controlled by an absolute ruler, but they weren't truly democratic. As shown by the ratification of the Carlsbad Decrees, which limited the spread of different liberals ideas and beliefs, conservatives did not want revolution and they especially did not want people to speak out against the state; they wanted to stay in power with as little opposition as possible. This is the only ideology listed that was not relatively new; conservatism was age-old. This is completely different from liberalism, which encouraged equality before the law,…
All of the progressive presidents were essential during the Progressive era, however, I believe President Taft to have had the greatest effect on conditions for American people. First, President Taft was able to declare an 8-hour workday for government employees, which many had been long anticipating. Also, like Roosevelt, Taft was a “trustbuster”, who lessened the power of major corporations and expanded the governments power and helped the American people by creating competition again. Unlike Roosevelt, Taft was a much stronger trustbuster bringing more cases in his four years compared to Roosevelt’s seven. Lastly, Taft was able to assure the 16th Amendment ratification, which allowed Congress to collect an income tax from the rich or large…
The Gilded Age was a time period in America of transition and revolution. America was shifting from farming and irrigation to the development of industrial capitalism and big corporations. There were many social changes such as; increased immigration, poor living conditions, and the barrier between the rich and poor. Also there were many economic changes such as; railroads, telephone, and steel factories. Corporations and monopolies grew, growing a divide between the working class and the rich.…
The history of a woman’s role in American society has always been a dynamic and constantly changing one. The Cult of Domesticity and Republican Motherhood were prominent ideas in the 18th and early 19th centuries that encouraged women to stay home and perform menial tasks. This notion of separate spheres between men and women began to be contested as the 19th century progressed. Beginning with the Seneca Falls convention in 1848 and continuing throughout the Gilded Age, society’s views on women were challenged. Culminating with the Progressive Era, women gained various political rights, most notably gaining the right to vote.…
The Progressive Movement Era was during the 1890s to the 1920s. The Progressive Movement was caused by the ideas of the Progressives, believing that the government should take more roles in order to solve most of society problems, restoring order and to protect Americans by reforms. The progressive movement covered many issues relating to social reforms such as education, the problem of industrialization, and child labor and so forth. The Progressive movement did influence the United States policy during the First World War because of the ideas of Americanization, how to be very efficient, and much of the Democracy. The main point of the Progressive movement was liberal democracy and determination of your self.…
Great Presidents of the Progressive Era were Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. Lasting from 1985 to 1920, the Progressive movement in America endeavored to alter corruption in government, enhance social reform, and lessen corporate power (597). Each President fulfilled Progressive goals in part by enacting regulations, promoting social efficiency, restricting abuse of power and foreign influence (599). Roosevelt and Wilson resonated the underlying theme of the Progressive Era by overcoming challenges to focus on domestic and foreign policy. Challenges which Roosevelt and Wilson faced in the early nineteen hundreds exist today.…
Insidious Assault The beliefs, events, and women’s rights activists in the Gilded Age have a direct effect on modern day society. In the Gilded Age, groups such as WTCU, NWSA, and AWSA made strides towards women’s rights. Historically during this time, it was still common for the rights of women to limited and suppressed, such as suffrage. However, the ability for females to obtain work was on the rise.…
During the Gilded Age in America, a new movement of techology and wealth spread throughout the country. Industrialization rapidly swept through the nation and urbanized many western areas including the Great Plains and California. White colonist took this as an opportunity to expand westward though this brought destruction to the native americans, while poverty and overpopulation in Japan encouraged migration to America to find their own riches. During the time period of the Gilded Age, the Gold rush was also a prominent movement. White settlers from the east heard of untod rishes in the west and started to make their claim on land in and around california.…