Mr. Johnson reported that he used to live in Atlanta previously. He reported that he decided to move to Minnesota to be near his children. Mr. Johnson stated that he and his children' mother were on agreement to move near his children. Ms. Johnson also reported that Ms. Cynthia wanted Dae'Veir to stay with Mr. Johnson due negative behavior at school. Mr. Johnson stated that Cynthia reported to him that their son Dae'Veir has been accidental urinating at school and behaving negative at school.
Mr. Johnson stated that he drove to Iowa to pick his son Dae'Veir …show more content…
Johnson stated that he never fallen sleep in the train and that lately he has been sleeping less to take care of his son's needs. This worker asked about his daughter Brianna and if she is staying with him. Mr. Johnson reported that Brianna is with her mother and Ms. Cynthia reported before that she will be sending Brianna to father Mr. Johnson soon. Mr. Johnson mentioned that if his daughter moves back to her father he will take her to his parents in Texas. He reported that he will keep his son Dae'Veir with him and Brianna with her grandparents in Texas.
Mr. Johnson reported that he is in the process of looking an apartment for him and his son. He reported that he lives with his friend Eric and he helps him with childcare. Mr. Johnson reported that he pays childcare and rent to Eric. Eric watches Dae'Veir until Mr. Johnson is back from work.
Mr. Johnson stated that he drinks occasionally with friends. He denied child hood abuse and neglect. He denied any mental health concerns.
This worker asked about discipline techniques in the home. He reported that he communicates with is son. He reported that he verbally reminds Dae'Vier to follow direction. He reported that Dae'Vier is a good child and he has a good listening skills. He reported no concerns. He denied the use of physical discipline at home. He reported no concerns with home or