The chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and the bonobo (Pan paniscus) are the two closest living relatives of humans. While, bonobos and chimpanzees are very similar to each other, they also differ in many significant ways. However, in some ways they resemble more closely to humans than to each other. For example, chimpanzee males are much more aggressive and violent, especially when competing for a mate or a rank within the group. This violence can be lethal.…
Chapter 6 discussed the distinct characteristics of primates and how they compare to other mammals and the text highlights some specific traits to consider. Along with arboreal adaptation-or the ability to live in trees- and diet plasticity, primates also practice parental investment. Instead of having hundreds or thousands of offspring, primates will invest more time and attention to a very small number of offspring that are smarter, more socially involved, and have greater chances of reaching maturity. There are a few defining characteristics of parental investment; the first being fertility. Like humans, primates will mostly give birth to one offspring at a time; occasionally two or three.…
The article, “Of Primates and Personhood: Will According Rights and Dignity” by Ed Yong, discussed and attempted to promgulate the humane treatments of primates, especially those used for experimentation. Yong also elaborated on the Great Ape Project, an association established to gain a basic set of rights for chimpanzees, gorillas, bonobos, and orangutans. Furthermore, he asserted that there are studies and data proving that animals are capable of experiencing pain and other emotions, and therefore, it is only logic to give them the treatment they deserve. In addition, some animals, particularly primates, are genetically linked with humans; in that sense, it is undeniable that they should be allowed to share the basic rights that humans…
The Merriam-Webster dictionary explains evolution as a theory of changes that occur because constant change that excel naturally over a long period of time. (Merriam-Webster) This means that over a long period of time there were changes made from all the species and as time progressed we all started to break up into different categories and then different branches of those categories. It is said that we, as humans, share the same category as the primates. Though, over time we started to evolve into a category within ourselves, we share similar features to our brothering primates.…
The hominin evolution theory is the idea of Homo sapiens sapiens (AMHs) evolved from a lineage of hominins in Africa. The purpose of the project is to determine the genus and species of seven skulls discovered by Dr. Musoma in Africa, Europe and Asia, approximate the age of each skull, interpret the evolutionary pathway of each species, and provide evidence for and against the “Out of Africa” theory. The purpose of the project with be completed and evidence on the “Out of Africa” theory will be found. Based upon the information left with each of the seven skulls, the remains can be identified with the appropriate genus and species. For all seven skulls, Dr. T. C. Musoma left the cranial capacity, location and the artifacts, if any, found with…
The lower primates include the prosimians lemurs, lorises, and tarsiers; which were the first primates in North America, Europe, and Asia. Lemurs now occur only on Madagascar, an island off the coast of Africa. They are mostly tree-dwelling, nocturnal animals with a moist nose and a long furry tail. Lorises are slow-moving, tailless, and nocturnal and live in trees. They are found in Southeast Asia and Africa.…
What are the traits that are unique to primates and enable them to be well suited to an arboreal environment? Ability to adapt to new or changing circumstances, live almost anywhere; they inhabit many different landscapes and climates. With that, they have a variety of traits that enable them to live in arboreal environments. The overall bone structure gives primates great flexibility and long limb allows them to swing from tree to tree easily.…
There are many different species of non-human primates. Each primate has its own characteristics, traits, and behaviors that establish its identity. Throughout history, however, primate species have evolved over time and there have been different research studies to see how primates have evolved. Northern white-cheeked gibbons are one of the closest relatives to human beings. White cheeked gibbon’s characteristics, traits, and behaviors explain the complexity of their species and how they are closely related to other non-human primates as well as human beings.…
What did you think of these films? Answer: I loved watching them, especially Koko, it was a rollercoaster ride for my emotions. It was fascinating to see the way Koko and Kanzi, had learned to communicate in the same language that humans do. I keep wondering if more people were as dedicated as Dr. Patterson with this subject, how far we would be today with communicating with other primates.…
Non-human primates may not have as complex of a language system as humans do, but there is evidence that they have complex communication systems that could be considered simple language systems; but equally fascinating is that some non-human primates can be taught new and simple language systems outside of their normal systems. The idea is that language develops when there is a benefit to the animal. Innate language amongst the groupings and other groupings in the same area is in order to communicate for survival; mating calls, warning calls, and so on. The learned language systems are a response in order to receive rewards or to get the attention of humans in order to benefit the non-human primate in one way or another; sounds to grab attention…
Source 1: “Discovery of Oldest Primate Skeleton Helps Chart Early Evolution of Humans, Apes” This article was published by the American Museum of Natural History on June 5th, 2013. In this article, researchers have identified a fossil primate skeleton that could possibly be the oldest and smallest primate ever discovered.…
A trip to the zoo is always enlightening as no matter how long ago it was we last visited we can always forget something about the animals that live this world with us. Going to the zoo can remind us that we are creatures just like these animals, but also remind us that we are so much more than just animals. Our lives on the surface seem so much more complex than the primates around us, however if we could take the time to observe the lives and the emotions of the animals around us then maybe we can learn who they are, and maybe who we are. The primate that I picked was a mongooses lemur, native to Madagascar.…
The Evolution in Primate Locomotion and Body Configuration One of the most important parts of the primate evolution is when the primates changed in body structure and locomotion. Although some may say that the origin of the human bipedalism is a persistent mystery (Gebo 1996); however, the evolution of bipedalism began in order to survive through climate changes, be able to hunt their food and get away from danger in order to survive. Primate locomotion can be classified into four major types: vertical clinging and leaping, quadrupedalism, brachiating and bipedalism (Groves, 2014). Over the millions of years, primates have been adapting to the changing environment therefore improving the structure of their bodies and speed (“Evolution…
Los Angeles Zoo Primates Our day at the zoo simply started with the objective of completing our visit, by seeing at least one each of the primates of each category around the zoo. That was quickly discarded considering that amount of information that the zoo provided for us about each individual creature. Because of the way that the zoo was structured we were unable to simply follow a particular order in which the animals were categorized. We visited all the different primates (as much as we could possibly see in our time there) and simply observed them each and photograph their actions behaviors and appearance along with potential eats and actives that may undergo on a daily base. Organizing the visits based on categories made it easier to structure and understand why it is that each type of primate belongs to that group.…
Arnold ML. 1997. Natural hybridization and evolution. NY: Oxford University Press. Arnold ML, Meyer A. 2006.…