Pride And Prejudice Foil Essay

Superior Essays
Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice is a novel that enlightens modern readers to the important social constructs of England’s Regency period, while criticizing and ridiculing the pompousness of high-end society. She uses many foils to highlight the personalities of her characters that make them seem very real; while also seeming very fake because of the sheer stupidity of their circumstances. Which they could have avoided if they had not given into their pride and their prejudices when they were first acquainted. The story revolves around Elizabeth Bennet, the second oldest of five sisters in a higher-end, middle class family. Her mother’s only wish is to marry all her daughters off to wealthy suitors. So when word of a wealthy man buying Netherfield …show more content…
Elizabeth and Darcy’s relationship is a great example of this concept. Elizabeth is very outspoken, honest, and blunt, while Darcy is better described as quiet, shy and reluctant, and even though they are both prideful and prejudiced, it is in two completely different ways. Elizabeth has a big self-esteem and is proud of her family despite their embarrassing antics. Her pride seems minimal and is shown in a way that is less rude and insulting to others as long as they do not personally offend her or her loved ones. Darcy on the other hand is prideful of his status and wealth. He is the highest ranked in the town and he shows it with an air of aloof disinterest in everyone he believes inferior to him. At first it seems he has no compassion and only cares about himself and his close circle of friends. Their prejudice, similar to their pride parallel as well. Elizabeth is prejudice against Darcy because of his behavior and his rude comment toward her, marking him an inconsiderate, rude and intolerable man. Darcy is influenced more by her social class. He thinks women of her rank would only want a man like him for his money, and because of her inferiority she is not worth his time. This initial clash of pride and differences in prejudice are what set up the chemistry for their later romance. Darcy is wealthy and handsome enough that women …show more content…
While there her aunt and uncle want to visit Pemberly Estate, Darcy’s home. She is of course hesitant, because she is embarrassed of how she has treated Darcy in the past, but with some prompting and reassurances that he is away from home, she agrees to go. A servant gives them a tour of the mansion, the whole time giving Darcy praise, talking about his fairness and good temper. This makes Elizabeth feel even worse about her behavior and as they are leaving Darcy returns home early, catching Elizabeth unawares. She does not want to talk to him but since she is on his property and he approaches she must greet him, and she is very surprised with how he acts toward her and her family. He is cordial and kind and wants her to meet Georgiana, his little sister. All of this makes Elizabeth regret her refusal

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