Underage Drinking Persuasive Speech

Superior Essays
One bottle. Two shots. Three beers. Four missed assignments. Five tardies. Six detentions. The effects of drinking on a teenager are obvious. The problem with teens drinking is that they are getting the alcohol one way or another. They are going to have access to it anyways, but more precautions should be taken to prevent this from happening so often. Some parents do not see the problem with their children or their children’s friends drinking. There are too many incidents that occur with the use of alcohol in teens. As demonstrated by a few of my friends, more precautions should be taken to prevent teenage alcohol abuse. For a large number of reasons more precautions should be taken to prevent teenage alcohol abuse. People tend to think …show more content…
If a teen is told not to do something, they feel that their freedom is being taken away. “One in six teens binge drinks, yet only one in 100 parents believe his or her teen binge drinks.” “Car crashes are the leading cause of death for teens, and about a quarter of those crashes involved an underage drinking driver” ("Underage Drinking Statistics"). These are a small number of the damages that can be caused by underage drinking. There are many examples of how teenage alcohol abuse leads to lower success rates in school. A couple of my friends often find themselves falling behind in school due to their weekend plans. A friend of my often complains of having tons of homework to do but jumps on any party he is invited to. One time he was invited to a weekend getaway and instead of saying no to catch on his missing assignments he went to the party. He told everyone he would take his school work with him to work on while still having a good time with his friends. Friday after school they all packed up the car and left for a friend’s aunt’s house, where they would be “house sitting” for the

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