Some areas display equality for genders in some ways, but not others. For example, Article 1, an excerpt from The Qu’ran, states that: “Men have a share in what they earn, and women have theirs in what they earn”. This shows that men and women each get to keep what they make, rather than all earnings being in the sole possession of one of the spouses. Opposingly, Article 1 also says, “Men are the support of women as God gives some more means than others, and because men spend of their wealth (to provide for women)”. In this scenario, men use the money they’ve earned to provide for women, as is still done today, to an extent. This allows historians to infer that men not only were the main source of wealth, but also that men were very protective of their women. Being able to provide for women allowed for a sense of masculinity that had been temporarily lost during the Neolithic …show more content…
From this, it can be gathered that men were the primary sayers of Grace, thus having a stronger connection to God. Due to this, women were not seen as holy or as saintly as men, thus were below men. The gender imbalance is largely due to women’s incapability to speak or understand the language of their religion, causing them lower likelihood to be accepted by God after death. Men see this as a valid reason to accept themselves as more religiously devout and therefore of higher quality than women. However, accounts from a woman’s perspective would allow better insight into the issue in