Many religious leaders want women to stay at home and be weak while men dominate over them. This could be the result of being a religious leader and having many devout followers looking up to them. Protestant theologian, Martin Luther, says (doc 5) women are for procreating and men have the force to multiply. If the man cannot impregnate the women, then she has the choice to have sex with his closest relative so that the child still has some genetics from his side. Protestant theologian, John Calvin (doc 6) expresses the same beliefs as the Presbyterian leader, John Knox (doc 7); they both believe women should stay home. However, Knox is repulsed by the idea of women having power over men like the Queen Marys, and feels that promoting a woman to have power is an insult to God(doc 7). Some female religious leaders do not agree with their view; Spanish nun Teresa of Avila believes in equality for men and women (doc 8). Arcangela Tarabotti, a nun living in a Catholic convent , argues that women are far stronger and better than men. The fact that women carry a child in their womb for nine months, to give birth in excruciating pain makes them stronger (doc 10). Educated women emphasized the importance of women in society and their role. The professional writer, Christine de Pisan (doc 1), explained that women are capable of acquiring knowledge just as much as men are, for if society allowed girls to attend school like boys, then girls could learn and know about sciences. Queen Elizabeth in a speech to the troops before the battle against the Spanish Armada announced that she knows she is a woman, but that will not stand in her way because body image is nothing compared to the mind and what the mind …show more content…
Italian humanist writer, Leon Battista Alberti (doc 2) views women as a figure for childbearing. Although his view is offensive towards educated women like Pisan among others, he stresses the importance of virtue and morality in women. He says that beauty is not external, but internal Alberti uses a drunk woman as an example; she is beautiful but she is not a good wife. According to Alberti, a good wife is one who has an honorable manner and is able to pass that along to her children. Baldassare Castiglione, a humanist scholar and author of “The Courtier”, claims a woman should have an air of sweetness and be knowledgeable of music, letter, dance, and painting (doc 4). The Italian High Renaissance painter, Raphael, painted The Sistine Madonna (doc 11). Madonna is bowed down by the pope and Saint Barbara. In her arms, she tenderly holds a baby who appears to be Jesus. Madonna is centered on the painting, symbolizing that women are able to bear a child and life revolves around women. Since the pope, angels, and Jesus appear in it, and it was promoted by the Catholic Church, then the Catholic Church approved of the idea that women were strong and