Gender Roles In The Epic Of Gilgamesh And Lysistrata

Superior Essays
The Epic of Gilgamesh and Lysistrata are texts that depict the human relationships within their respective cultures in a manner that relates to today’s society. Although humankind has progressed in the past 5000 years, the issue of societal gender roles is still prevalent. In the two texts, gender roles are greatly impacted through sexual relationships. Although sex plays a major role in the establishment of gender roles in The Epic of Gilgamesh and Lysistrata, sex serves to establish male dominance among gods and women when used by men, while sex is used by women to defy their typical role in society in order to achieve a political goal.
Before discussing how the men and women within each of the texts, it must be established why to begin with.
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The goddess Ishtar asks Gilgamesh for sex in a very civil and flattering manner. “marry me, give me your luscious fruits, be my husband, be my sweet man” (Gilgamesh 131). Yet, Gilgamesh rejects Ishtar in a very cruel and rude way. “Why would I want to be the lover of a broken oven that fails in the cold, a flimsy door that the wind blows through” (Gilgamesh 132). Gilgamesh expands the umbrella of the Sumerian gender roles to Ishtar through the denial, not the obligation, of sex. Yes, Gilgamesh rejected a woman, but more importantly, he did it to a woman and goddess revered my both men and women. This was a religious figure the Gilgamesh denied. To fully understand the what Gilgamesh did, a question must be answered: In the Sumerian faith, is it okay for male who is 2/3 god to deny or disrespect a female who is fully god? The answer: yes. Ishtar is furious and pleads with her father, Anu, but to avail. “But might you not have provoked this?” (Gilgamesh 135) is his answer. A mortal man disrespected a goddess and it is accepted. In a larger historical context, that statement is blasphemous! However, Gilgamesh, through sex, has instituted a culture in which male dominance trumps the …show more content…
Women were not involved in politics in the 5th century BCE. It was seen as a man’s job while the women were home to take care of the child. Initially, the role of women in Lysistrata is to be sex objects. This view of women is not only held by the males, but of the women too! “How on earth could we do something like that – sensible and marvelous? We sit around all tarted up in sexy clothes and makeup, expensive negligees and fancy shoes” (Aristophanes 58). The women themselves cannot fathom how they are to bring about political change. Yet, it is through the very lenses in which the men view the women that they, the women, are able to gain power. The self-empowerment of the Greek women is done contritely to The Epic of Gilgamesh. Lysistrata withholds sex to cripple the men rather than give it. Ironically, the women defy gender roles by playing on the stereotypical gender role that men are the sex driven partners in a

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