Some of the signs someone who might be suffering from PTSD include flashbacks, nightmares, hypersensitivity among others from the traumatic experience. It is important to know how to recognize the symptoms of someone who suffers with PTSD. Look for signs of isolation, irritability, hyper vigilance. If you notice these signs advice the veteran to reach out for help, because there is available resources. The Veteran Affairs Clinic offers support as well as their website can redirect him/her to the closest clinics to seek help.
Along with physical damages come emotional problems, not only limiting to PTSD, although it’s one of the most common issues veterans return with. Some of those that suffer from isolation just needed time alone and within the time, they …show more content…
The red convertible is a symbol of their relationship and their adventures together. Throughout the deployment Lyman worked hard on the car since after their long road trip it had caused some damage to the engine. Lyman was very excited for Henry 's return home. He thought that he would return and that their relationship would be the same as before. Lyman was sure that the red convertible would be a great way for them to bond. Lyman figured that after his brother would see that the car been fixed inside and out that it would make him happy. His thoughts were that it would lead them to another road trip full of adventure. To Lyman 's surprise, his brother returned and didn 't even notice what he had done to the