After the brutal conquering of Poland the Nazis moved on to the feeble country of Luxembourg. With no army whatsoever the poor country did not stand a chance against the Third Reich. It took the Nazis only 3 hours to cross the entire country, securing it as a passage way for German troops on their way to France.
May 10, 1940 Germany invaded all of The Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Belgium. The Nazis sent out paratroopers over the larger countries. Though the Dutch fought hard, after the bombing of the city of Rotterdam left 80,000 homeless, the Dutch surrendered to the Reich. Even with the strategic fortress of Eben-Emael the Belgians still could not fight off the Nazis. After the Nazis defeated the 630 …show more content…
Italy entered the war on Germany's side on June 10. The French city is abandoned, declared an open city, and the Germans take it on June 14 without resistance. What remained of the French government chose to seek an armistice. Hitler insisted that the armistice was signed in the Compiegne Forest, where, in a railroad dining car, 22 years earlier Germany had been forced to sign the armistice ending World War I. The armistice went into effect on June 25, just seven weeks after the invasion began, and more than half of France was occupied by