A review of the records reveals the member to be an adult female with a birth date of 06/06/1956. The member has a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. The member’s treating provider, Laura Summers, MD recommended the member continue her treatment of Remicade infusions 7 mg/kg every 6 weeks. The carrier has denied coverage of Remicade infusions 7 mg/kg every 6 weeks as not medically necessary.…
(1tab by mouth q12hx4day), chlorhexidine gluconate 0,12% oral rinse, 480 ml 5 ml by mouth rinse bid and ibuprofen 600mg ( 1x by mouth tid with food or milk). Client also reported she was referred to PT Rehabilitation for her back and she is scheduled for 8/10/2017 @ 2235 Frederick Douglas Blvd, New York, New York…
Layla Micheli Monica Malt LVN 121 11/17/2017 What were the Contributing Factors to the problems in this Case? Describe them by category below. Equipment (design, availability and maintenance) The Pyxis machine is designed to calculate patient medications and doses accurately and should have alerted the nurse when the dosage was too high for a pediatric patient.…
10/325 mg, one and half a tab every 6 hours prn. She states that it is not helping her pain. She reports a poor appetite, weight loss and difficulty sleeping at…
The subject, Papa Bear, is an Asian-American that is a 5’4” 48-years old male that weighs approximately 240 pounds. He was diagnosed with high cholesterol in August of 2015 and is currently taking atorvastatin. Near end of August, Mr. Bear was in a minor car accident that caused him to have neck and back pain, and is now on metaxalone, cyclobenzaprine, and meloxicam. Not only does he currently have high cholesterol and feeling pains from his neck down to his lower back, for about 40 years Mr. Bear has been prescribed doxycycline monohydrate as well as triamcinolone acetonide for his eczema and skin rash on both of his upper arms, and rosacea on his cheeks. The liver makes lipoproteins to distribute cholesterol in the body as well as to bring…
This tablet has three different colors, which is associated with its dose. The strength of this tablet comes in five amounts, which are 80/12.5mg, 160/12.5mg, 160/25mg, 320/12.5mg, 320/25mg. This prescribed medication, contains 30 tablets in each package. One tablet is taken orally once a day with or without food. This medication should be taken at approximately the same time each day.…
It is recommended that all patients received a ECG prior to treatment 30 days before and annually afterwards. All patients should follow the prescribed amount, if exceeded, they are at risk for an overdose. Although the medication has a stigma to it, it is important to note for the purpose of hospice or palliative care we use it for pain relief. That being said, it is an issue whether or…
Constipation-Medium risk. Goal: Rigoberto will maintain regular bowel elimination through the use of medications and diet for the next 12 months AEB no need for fleet enemas or rectal suppositories. Rigoberto did not have any documented or reported constipation episode. He did not require any enemas, suppositories or manual impaction checks.…
The recommended dose range for tourette’s disorder is 5-20mg/day. For patients weighing less than 50kgs dose should be started at 2mg/day with a target dose of 5mg/day, after 2days dose is be increased to 10mg/day in patients who don not achieve control over symptoms. For patients 50kg or more weight, dosing should be started from 2mg/day for 2 days , and it is increased to 5mg /day on day 8th, the dose should be increased to 20mg/day for who do not achieve control over symptoms. Side effets: Severity: major More common: • Drooling (dropping saliva) • Difficulty with speaking • loss of balance…
Thomas is a 57-year-old male who suffers from pure hypercholesterolemia (E78.0), along with atherosclerosis of native artery of both lower extremities with intermittent claudication, peripheral artery disease, coronary artery disease, hypertension, vitamin D deficiency, and diabetes. Although his primary diagnosis is not foreseen as an approved diagnosis for this medication; he also suffers from other underlying heart conditions in which will deem him medically necessary to receive Repatha. Since starting Repatha, Thomas has tolerated the treatment well and has seen improvement in lipid levels. Thomas has been on Repatha since January of 2017. His most recent lab work reveals total cholesterol is 94, triglycerides 226, HDL 35 and LDL 14.…
According to the American Pharmacists Association, as of late July, Alirocumab, a PCSK9 inhibitor, obtained FDA approval. In addition to diet and aggressive statin therapy, Alirocumab acts as an aid for patients that have clinical atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease or heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia. These patients are required to lower their cholesterol further. Alirocumab, a monoclonal antibody which is self-administered through subcutaneious injection every two weeks, lowers cholesterol by inhibiting PCSK9, whose primary purpose in the body is to reduce the receptors in the liver that dispose of LDL from the bloodstream. LDL is low-density lipoproteins that are considered “bad’ protein because they can collect on the walls of blood vessels, which, if untreated, can cause blockages.…
I chose to write about melorheostosis. This disorder usually affects the arms and legs and is normally only on one side of the body. The common symptom of melorheostosis is irregular bone growth such as thickening and widening of the bones. Since it only effects on side of the body, this causes the limbs to be uneven in length. Other symptoms can include pain, swelling, stiffness, unable to use full range of motion, swelling of the joints and abnormal muscles.…
"Anabolic steroids" contingent upon who you will be you simply had energy run up your leg, apprehension enter your brain or disdain fill your heart; the point of anabolic steroids and steroid actualities can make a large group of feelings in most any individual and relying upon the people position will the feelings be diverse as well as so will the truth. Please break into different sentences. As has been normal to the historical backdrop of man when one has made his psyche up about a point the actualities are aimless and as it relates to steroid truths we can make no exemption. Keep in mind to twofold space . . Steroids are either taken orally in tablet frame or infused intramuscularly.…
Breast augmentation is a very popular procedure that can improve the way you feel about your body and appearance. Women who have always been concerned about being "small breasted", women who have lost a lot of weight, and women who have noticed that their breasts have become smaller after having children are the most frequent candidates for this procedure. One concern that most patients express is the fear of surgical scarring. Typically the scars after Breast Augmentation heal well and are nicely concealed beneath the breast so that they are not visible.…
Topical steroid was used for skin infection or inflammation and its usually prescription from doctor to treat and help relieve skin problem, however it advice to not be use without consulting with the primary care because its potential of cause various complications. For instance, skin atrophy is seen in people within 3-14-day treatment using the topical steroids and this cause thinning the skin layers with reducing the cell size. If this use for a long time it can affect the synthesis of the skin protein and inhibit the formation of melanocytes, which causing localized depigmentation. Plus, it also causes wrinkled and transparent skin as well as the underlying veins and capillaries become visible. Topical steroids were used to suppress the…